United Airlines
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My UMPP interview experience with United was world class. I recommend the $10 train from the terminal. I stayed at the hotel, and they picked me up at the train station. I walked over early, I would show up at the training center gate about 15 min before show time. When I showed up, a senior Captain greeted me and encouraged me that with my experience, the airline wanted to hire me. She emphasized how much they just wanted to get to know me. From there, I proceeded to a cafeteria where I waited with one other UMPP applicant, and three “Aviate” candidates. We then walked our luggage to a secure storage area. We then walked through a small museum, then a classroom where we were then take back by different UAL personnel to separate briefing rooms. They offered coffee and water. You have to leave all personal electronic devices before you...
Mar 20, 2025
HR first then technical. Intro, 5 TMAAT questions followed by a 5 minute break. TMAAT questions are apparently tailored to your Hogan assessment results. Technical was ORD to EWR with PHL as an alternate. I was given the departure weather and was asked to do a departure briefing using the 13 briefing items provided in the briefing packet. Couple questions on the SID like what does climb via mean, what's the highest threat, etc. Once enroute I got master caution light for Fuel Bypass Filter... -
Mar 19, 2025
My experience was very similar to others. We were brought into the cafeteria to wait until someone came to get us and took us on a tour. After that, we were taken one by one for the interview. Started with the HR questions (5 TMAAT), which were all mostly pretty straightforward and all listed on the site. Then took a 5-minute break and did the technical; most of it was pretty straightforward. Didn't feel like they were trying to ask gotcha questions but more so follow-up questions. Presented... -
Mar 19, 2025
Got to the FTC an hour before my interview and walked around with a captain who gave us a tour and talked about United's plans. He took us to a room and briefed us on what to expect for the interview. My pilot interviewer greeted me shortly after that and took me to a room with someone from HR. Started off with "tell me about yourself" next it was about 4-5 TMAAT questions. (view the study guide of this website). Use the STAR format and be specific with your stories. Always... -
Mar 19, 2025
UMPP interview for next fall availability. Stayed at hotel across the street and caught shuttle at 0830 for 1000 interview. Signed in and dropped bags, waited in cafeteria until 10 and was greeted by a CA who walked us thru the mini museum and briefed the interview format. We were then led to a classroom and waited for our pilot interviewer to grab us individually. My interviewer came to get me and I dropped my phone/smartwatch on a table. Went to a room where the HR rep was sitting inside... -
Mar 18, 2025
They'll provide a voucher for your round trip flight to Denver. Hotel is on your dime. I recommend staying at the Hotel right across the street from the training center. It'll have a shuttle every hour and half hour to the training center, but worst case it might be a 10-ish minute walk. The welcome letter's map is oriented south because that's where you enter the grounds. After that it's easy to understand. Checked in with security, put luggage in the luggage room, sat in the cafeteria... -
Feb 19, 2025
My interview was nearly identical to other's experiences with United posted previously. My interview was scheduled for 0800, and I was told to show one hour prior. I stayed at the hotel (I'd recommend staying here if possible) and took the complimentary shuttle at 0630 (shuttle departs to United training facility every half hour). After checking in with the front desk and dropping off our luggage in a small storage area, the other interviewees and I waited in the cafeteria until a United... -
Feb 19, 2025
Stayed at the hotel across the street. Caught the 6:30am shuttle for an 8am interview. Got signed in and sat in the cafeteria for a bit. 3x UMPP there during that time slot. Pam 24yr 757/767 Capt out of Houston came and got us a bit after 7 for the tour and what to expect. As others have said, everyone was very friendly and welcoming. They want you to be there and they want you to succeed. We dropped off paperwork and logbooks and then waited for a bit to be called back. Chris, Newark FO... -
Feb 06, 2025
I was selected for an interview. Once scheduled, I was sent a welcome packet and study guide. These were extremely accurate & relevant, so read them and memorize the material it tells you you're responsible for. I stayed at the hotel across the street from the training center (one of the 3 from the welcome packet). They provide a shuttle service on the half hour, which was plenty of time to be comfortably early for my showtime. Upon arrival I checked in with the front desk and then went... -
Feb 05, 2025
Did a tour of their little museum while they were looking at logbooks, went to do 5 TMAT questions, break, chair flown flight from DEN to SFO, wind shear report taxing towards 25 before takeoff, climb via except maintain 16000, asked some questions around that, Yaw Damper caution light at 34000, no memory item, but on the 737 it is a QRC item, didn’t go away so talked about turbulence because the QRC leaded to that, the got descend via except maintain 20000 and what would I set, then... -
Jan 30, 2025
Exactly as others have said. TMAAT first about 5-6 questions. 10 minute break and then a technical portion with a scenario that is tailored to your current flight environment. All in all very straight forward. My suggestion is to use there study guide to remember their 13 briefing items. Also practice your stories and have some stories ready to go for the TMAAT questions. The HR questions are harder to me personally, because the technical side of things is based around what you do...
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