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  • The HR Interview was extremely straightforward, done on MS Teams. There was a few TMAAT questions, and general questions about my experience. We then went through a PPT on the job requirements, expectations, and company, and he finally asked what base I preferred. The recruiter invited me to the next interview and it was scheduled for a few days later. The technical interview went smoothly. I picked one system to start with and got to describe its use. Definitely study up on IFR Knowledge prior to, and know some basic 135 regs regarding weather mins. You will have to listen to and brief IFR procedures (SIDs, ODPs, and IAPs). Each one I had to brief, I was given an ATIS to copy as well as a clearance. The interviewer will then expect you to apply certain regs to the scenario given...

Pilot interviewing trend at TradeWind Aviation

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  1. 1. 

    Mar 10, 2025
    Technical interview is as mentioned by other interviewees- read the study guide, go through the approach plates and study mock IFR instrument.  It was very scenario based but the interviewer was very nice and professional- they are looking for a very solid and through IFR Knowledge, so being prepared is very...

  2. 2. 

    Jun 25, 2024
    I had four teams interviews. First with HR it was very relaxed was asked why TradeWind and to talk about my flight experience. Second with VP of ops, we went into more details about the job and how I could fit in. Third was with another HR, this was very straight forward, only asked questions I had already answered on an assessment they had emailed me. And went over a company PowerPoint. Fourth was with the chief pilot, she was very nice. Asked me to tell her something interesting...

  3. 3. 

    Jun 12, 2024
    HR portion was very straightforward. It’s a presentation about the company with a couple TMAAT questions and the typical “why tradewind”. Technical is a little more in depth, definitely know your instrument knowledge and be able to brief apps and SIDs. Sim eval isn’t too bad they let me mess around with it for 10 minutes before the eval. Mine was a ILS to a published hold and then a vor into the same airport. He paused it on the missed and said I passed. The new sim...

  4. 4. 

    Jun 10, 2024
    It was straight forward, normal HR questions, how many hours. why do you want to work for us. where you see yourself after 5 years. Tell about time you had hard time getting along with your students. How many checkride failures do you have. then he talked to me about the company, contact, and operations. Then he said expect to hear back after a...

  5. 5. 

    May 29, 2024
    I had a great experience through the hiring processes. The technical interview is a typical IFR oral like many interviews. Study as you would for a CFII ride though implement more 135 regulations than 91. Three Craft clearance’s breifing plates (don’t skim a single note on plan view) as you will be told you are coming in on a certain victor airway. Understand your 6 pack in depth errors etc especially if you come from the world of glass. The Sim is not difficult though you will...

  6. 6. 

    May 16, 2024
    The HR Interview was extremely straightforward, done on MS Teams. There was a few TMAAT questions, and general questions about my experience. We then went through a PPT on the job requirements, expectations, and company, and he finally asked what base I preferred. The recruiter invited me to the next interview and it was scheduled for a few days later. The technical interview went smoothly. I picked one system to start with and got to describe its use. Definitely study up on IFR...

  7. 7. 

    Apr 10, 2024
    HR interview was straight forward, asked about you, your experience, your flight times, and some standard "what would you do" or "what did you do in this situation if you had it" questions. Technical was exactly what you'd think, very IFR heavy and quite in depth. The Interviewer awesome, and did his best to make it comfortable. Be sure to know about ODPs, SIDS, how to calculate FT/NM to FT/Min, now how to convert Zulu to EDT/EST (Know what one is in effect!!!), Be sure...

  8. 8. 

    Apr 09, 2024
    First interview is pretty basic, they just go over the company information through a slideshow going over requirements and what they expect from you and them Second interview was more in depth, more of a mini IFR checkride, the questions on this site help a lot they go over a lot of those questions but know your IFR information Third interview was a sim where they have you do one precision approach and one non-precision approach, specially an ILS approach and a VOR...

  9. 9. 

    Apr 04, 2024
    The HR interview was very smooth and fast. Be honest and be yourself and it will be fine. Have good answers for the team do not just say the bare minimum. The technical interview was a challenge, this is essentially an IR/CFII check ride. Come prepared know your stuff. Approach plates, Departures and arrivals. Know the regs associated with IFR flying, 91.175 / 185. Know your formulas and systems. Answer confidently. (view the study guide of this website, including the Sim/Scenario...

  10. 10. 

    Mar 14, 2024
    I started off with the first interview over MS Teams—standard HR questions. The second interview was a mini IFR oral exam. Definitely study up on your IFR knowledge. Then Sim, (view the Sim/Scenario section in the study guide of this website).  Hopefully, I will hear next week if I get the...

  11. Very precise and helpful

    Cristian G

    Hired at TradeWind Aviation
    Easy to navigate and has interview information to many companies. Helped me land my new job!

    Tristan R

    Hired at TradeWind Aviation