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  • The other reviews were right on. This is mostly to talk about prep, CJO timeline for military and SWA hiring in 2024. In prep, the things that took the most time by far: logbook. I didn’t use an app review company because I had some friend’s examples to work off of. The only interview prep I did was to read trip reports on this website. With SWA, I don’t think a human reads anything you submit until your actual in-person interview. I pretty sure there is AI scoring happening. The SWA app starts with uploading your resume to auto populate other boxes in the application. It doesn’t have a block to enter your availability date only a check box that says “I will start within 12 months of CJO”. This is...

Pilot interviewing trend at Southwest Airlines

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  1. 1. 

    Dec 19, 2024
    First off, I was interviewed for an instructor role in the company.  I put my resume online several weeks ago and one day I was contacted by a recruiter from the company regarding their interest in my qualifications. I was asked to apply as soon as possible. I applied that same day and was called for a phone interview the next day. Three days later I was called for a second interview that took place this week. The interview was very relaxed and lasted about an hour. I was required to...

  2. 2. 

    I was in the 1030 group. Arrived to the facility 10 min early (they specifically request you to arrive no earlier than 15 min). Got a name tag from the nice lady at the front desk and mingled with all the other applicants. Another employee then called us all to attention and took our logbooks on a cart. We were able to leave our bags in a storage room and enter anytime throughout the day. Started with a tour of the facility by two pilots on a really nice and clean bus. We were able to ask...

  3. 3. 

    I went in the night before and stayed at a hotel. Checked in and they took your logbooks. We went on tour first and it was awesome to see the training facility and sim bay. This is the time to ask questions you don’t want to ask your interviewers. After that we had a presentation, which we were told that from now on ALL interviews go to the board for review and because of that, we wouldn’t hear back for about 2 weeks. I think this is a new thing as hiring is slowing down from...

  4. 4. 

    First part of the Interview was HR, it was mostly conversational. I was with an HR person and a retired captain. They asked me to Walk them through my Resume.   Then questions, (view the study guide of this website).  Next section was logbook review. Extremely laid back. Just asked the questions to check off some legal boxes as far as flight time and experience. Just make sure the logbook interview form in filled out correctly. Last part was SBQ. Quick process also. My...

  5. 5. 

    Laid back interview process. 3 parts logbook, SBQ, HR panel. TMAY WHY SWA (something other than company culture).   TMAAT questions, (view the study guide of this website).  Interviewers are excited and want to hear about your back ground, The HR panel is more of a continuous conversation then 21 questions. All interviewers are current Captains or FO and hr panel is 1 pilot one...

  6. 6. 

    I understand that WN is slowing down their hiring to get caught up. They are expected to hire another 800 pilots for 2024. It was a great experience and very informative. I was interviewed prior to the TA passing, it has since passed which is exciting and makes WN very competitive. Ensure you complete all the actions on their portal, it's required or you won't be able to interview. Both HR and Pilots interview you. The entier interview process took the better part of 4.5-5 hours. There...

  7. 7. 

    The other reviews were right on. This is mostly to talk about prep, CJO timeline for military and SWA hiring in 2024. In prep, the things that took the most time by far: logbook. I didn’t use an app review company because I had some friend’s examples to work off of. The only interview prep I did was to read trip reports on this website. With SWA, I don’t think a human reads anything you submit until your actual in-person interview. I pretty sure there is AI scoring...

  8. 8. 

    Very straightforward and they made it stress free. About as accurate as all the other submitted interviews here. SBQ - DEN->LAX. Fuel contamination, discussed alternates but decided to drop in on Vegas. Beat out storms and declared emergency once fuel filter bypass light came on and off. :10 min and done. Logbook and HR were great, just want to get to know you and why SWA...

  9. 9. 

    The interview process was exactly as outlined on this website. 3 different sections (Logbook, SBQ, HR). With the SBQ I would go through each question on this gouge and formulate your own ideas, don’t just go off what some have written. I’ve noticed a lot of suggestions prime everyone to make a diversion, which isn’t always the best decision. Being prepared to divert and getting ahead of the a/c is great, and then not diverting as there’s no need to shows good command...

  10. 10. 

    Everything on this site is true and it goes just like people say. There are 3 sections HR, logbook review, and SBQ. My SBQ was my weak point because of my lack of 121 PIC experience. I didn’t like how I answered and I’m sure it showed my lack of confidence. Make sure you are communicating clear and concise in your SBQ and talk to the interviewer like a crew member. I didn’t do this and looking back I think that’s why I felt uncomfortable with how I answered. Everyone...

  11. Almost all of the questions were answered in the trip reports. Nothing beats the comfort in feeling prepared by being able read the entire trip report and knowing the questions that will be asked.

    Thomas F Apr 07, 2024

    Hired at Southwest Airlines
    Being able to see the questions that I could possibly get out me at ease. I got the job because of what you all have compiled here.

    Julian B

    Hired at Southwest Airlines