SkyWest Airlines Pilot Pathway Program

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FREE Pilot interview information and gouge

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  • The interview was very similar to what was talked about during the interview prep course. The interview began with introductions and moved into total times, 30/60/90/6M/12M times, and how I plan on completing my RATP mins. After times were out of the way, moved into PRD and any failures I had. Classic HR questions, (view the study guide of this website).  After HR was out of the way...

Pilot interviewing trend at SkyWest Airlines Pilot Pathway Program

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  1. 1. 

    Feb 12, 2025
    Talked about wx first like METAR AND TAF etc and then go over the flight sim portion. Plan flight from KMSP to...

  2. 2. 

    Jan 08, 2025
    The interviewer started off talking about his career and a little about SkyWest over the years. He then asked about my hours and all the basic things everyone has already mentioned on this site. Most of the interview was technical questions, and they were all covered in the study guide. He explained how he briefs a Jep plate and just asked me about a few symbols/numbers on it. I genuinely wanted to work for SkyWest, so I did my research on anything and everything about the company. He was...

  3. 3. 

    Dec 09, 2024
    First started with basic HR questions - nothing out of the ordinary. Walked through a series of technical questions across a wide variety of subject areas. Started with regulations, then moved into weather, systems (for the 172 I fly), general turbine systems, high altitude aerodynamics, and finally Jep Charts. Everything was catered to the level/intensity of my current job. They wanted to see that I was knowledgable in my current situation, but also that I had put forth some effort to study...

  4. 4. 

    Oct 21, 2024
    For one hour, they asked HR questions, and for two hours, they asked about the system. The interview was conducted in a very relaxed and comfortable atmosphere.  Aero dynamics.   Elcectrical, AC/DC, Engine for Cessna 172 (The aircraft I have flown)   Weather (Metar, Thunderstorms).   Jeppsen chart briefing. Runway sign read.   Drag.  Good...

  5. 5. 

    Oct 01, 2024
    interview was exactly what was expected, all questions were covered on the study guide. my scenario was I was PIC and a pax became incapacitated shortly after departure, what they want to here is you transfer the control to FO and use the two in and two out. So notify ATC AND dispatch, and use your crew to your advantage. talk interviewer asked what altitude I should fly; Two answers, if diverting back to origin airport, level off. If going to desition or just different airport, climb VIA...

  6. 6. 

    Sep 17, 2024
    The interview was very similar to what was talked about during the interview prep course. The interview began with introductions and moved into total times, 30/60/90/6M/12M times, and how I plan on completing my RATP mins. After times were out of the way, moved into PRD and any failures I had. Classic HR questions, (view the study guide of this website).  After HR was out of the way we moved into the technical portion. Started with aircraft documents required, personal documents and...

  7. 7. 

    Sep 12, 2024
    The interview started with Paperwork, Went over the hours and CV submitted for the application. 30 days,60days,90days,12c/m. Then it moved on into HR Questions, why skywest? Domicilies, how do you see yourself in 5 years? After that CRM scenario. Unresponsive passenger, divert 2in 2out. Meteorology: Decode Metar, interpretation of TAF, Alternate, Below DA/ MDA. Runway lights, runway markings. High Altitude Operations, Coffin Corner, sweep back wings, advantages, disadvantages, Mach Tuch,...

  8. 8. 

    Aug 07, 2024
    I am with the Cadet Program. The interview was conducted online by a current FO. HR: Went over my experience and qualifications, built my career track over the last 10 years. Asked me HR type questions.   Then a Scenario, (view the study guide of this website, including the Sim/Scenario section).  Overall, a very nice experience and the interview was relaxed and very conversational. Got the CJO within two days. Waiting to hit mins for class...

  9. 9. 

    Jun 07, 2024
    It was 2 person, one was just listening and the other was asking all the questions. It took 2 hours only. went very well, asked about my history, resume, experience, hours, goals. I didn't know something on METAR which they were okay with. (view the study guide of this website).  Everything was from the study...

  10. 10. 

    Apr 03, 2024
    Study this study guide … very helpful!! General HR questions. Straight to 2 crm Scenarios. Engine fire 1 hour away from destination and lost comm Some multiengine questions (critical engine) Jepp charts (approach and airport diagram) Alternate minimum 91.175 Speed restriction (below 10,000, above and below bravo, holding restrictions) Difference between turbo and jet engine Swept wings, tuch Mack, shock wave Metar and taf Runway signages It took near 2 hours a lot of...

  11. Great material, very prepared for interview

    Tobias G

    Hired at SkyWest Airlines Pilot Pathway Program
    Great input and gouge for the interview

    Ryan M Feb 19, 2025