Scenic Airlines

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Pilot interviewing trend at Scenic Airlines

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  1. 1. 

    Jan 23, 2025
    My interview lasted 1.25 hours. It included HR questions such as why Grand Canyon Scenic Airlines, why you, and what are your weaknesses and technical questions such as read this METAR, read this TAF, Is an alternate required to be filed based on that TAF, Brief this approach, What would you do if you were circling to land on this approach and you lost sight of the...

  2. 2. 

    Nov 21, 2024
    It was straightforward and focused interview. Discussing my flight training and experience with the chief pilot. what school i went to ( part 91/141) and asked if i failed any checkrides, accident or incident. we moved to some METARS and TAFS for KGCN, and IFR questions and briefing the approach plate, asked me question about minimums and if i was able to land there with the weather in the metar and tafs. we talked a bit about CRM, and decision making question . asked me some questions...

  3. 3. 

    The interview was really simple. I sat down with the chief pilot and we discussed my flight training, and my flight experience. They asked 2 or 3 questions about my resume. After that He handed me a sheet full of Metars and Tafs for airports near KGCN, and He wanted me to read all the TAFS and Metars. After that he had me brief the ILS 3 Approach Plate into KGCN, and Asked about circle to land to runway 21. I was supposed to go do a sim evaluation but I didn’t do one. There was NO ATP...

  4. 4. 

    Interview was great and very friendly. Then Scenario  (view the sim.scenario section of this website).  Overall had a very good experience. Went back to the office and filled out a bunch of paperwork then they sent me off to get a drug...

  5. 5. 

    I hate to be redundant and not give an updated interview, but the previous gouge was spot on. They have started doing a written exam again. No big deal though, just study  ATP questions. Relax, have a good time! They are looking for people that are...

  6. 6. 

    Spot on from the gouge I researched at this website. To the "T"! Departure from 25 at LAS, climb to about 500 ft, head to the VOR, do a hold procedure. If you do it properly, they probably won't make you do any more than one round in the hold. At least, they didn't for me. You leave the hold and intercept the approach for 25 at LAS. Definitely know VDP! That's big here. Other than that, just relax in the...

  7. 7. 

    Well, I believe this will be the first gouge since 2008. My experience was not a lot different from what has previously been reported. One thing I did notice is that they seem to have discontinued the ATP written questions. There was no written test during my interview. I would also like to highly recommend prep work. I arrived in the morning and met up with Ron who is the director of training, and Sarah from HR. One other applicant was there and the first 15-20 mins was just info...

  8. 8. 

    Scenic was bought out by Pallion so they are now based out of Boulder City. They have also changed the people who are doing the interviews. So all the other gouges that say that they are rude no longer apply. I was interviewed by Jennifer and Jerry (chief pilot) They were very laid back and made it a very comfortable interview.  I suggest doing the sim prep the day before just to get used to the sim. The sim was pretty straight forward. He gave me a direct entry hold on a DME fix. Then I...

  9. 9. 

    I think it will be a good place to be. Were all the people nice? They're nice, they try to get you to screw up on the interview part though. Did they offer you the job right there? Yes, the people who get hired are told then, those who aren't are sent a letter. Details about the daily job and flying? About 12 hour days supposedly with anywhere from 4-10 hours flight time per flying day. The schedule is 5/2 or 4/3. How was the interview? Test? Sim? etc.. I did the Sim prep. The sim can...

  10. 10. 

    Wow! This was the rudest interview I have ever been to in my whole life for any position anywhere! I don't understand why any professional organization would act like this. The interview consisted of SCREAMING and YELLING by the interviewers! It started like this. There were 4 candidates in my class. We all took a written test (if you have studied the ATP written lately you will do fine) and then did the sim evaluation, and were called in one by one for the interview. I was the...

  11. Great input and gouge for the interview

    Ryan M Feb 19, 2025

    The study guide questions were very useful!

    Mick B Feb 19, 2025