Republic Airways
All CompaniesFREE Pilot interview information and gouge
Overall the process was exactly what was explained on here, flew out the day before the interview and stayed in one of their hotel rooms. Morning of, checked out and met with other applicants, got a tour and met with HR and captains to ask questions, after that had to fill out a time table asking for total time and all the other times we've filled out on the application, (some miscellaneous times like XC PIC and Night PIC). After that we were interviewed 1 by 1, but 3 interviews we're happening...
Mar 24, 2025
This was an AWESOME experience! Went in the day before, got picked up by them at the airport and stayed at their hotel. Their facility is very nice, same with the people they are very very nice. The next day everyone met up early morning and HR gave us a tour. Then we did a Q&A with the captains that were going to interview us as well as some FO’s. It was great insight given by them and they were very friendly and pleasant. Make sure to pay attention during the presentation and... -
Mar 19, 2025
The interview and experience was very smooth and easy. They arrange travel and you stay at their hotel which is very nice. The day of the interview you will take a tour of the training facility which is attached to the hotel. After the tour they will give you a company presentation. After the presentation they give you a chance to ask the pilots some questions. This is a good time to get to know the people who are going to be interviewing you. Afterwards you will go to a common area and they... -
Mar 19, 2025
Study this gouge and you will do well. Know TAF, METAR, IFR regs. Only question outside of the gouge was "what would you improve about commercial aviation." They are incredibly kind and want you to succeed. With the hotel, this was a 10/10 experience. Republic seems like a great place to be—incredibly frustrating they have a training contract, otherwise they'd be far and away my #1... -
Mar 17, 2025
My experience was very similar to what others have shared. Everyone I interacted with throughout the process was incredibly nice and laid-back, which helped ease the nerves. Everything leading up to the actual interview followed the same pattern that others have described. The interview began with HR questions. Questions about previous jobs on my resume, including what happened at those jobs and what I learned from them After the HR portion, we transitioned into technical questions. I... -
Mar 17, 2025
The interview process was very nice. Republic flew us in the night before, the shuttle picked us up at the airport, and brought us to the company hotel. In the morning I got down to the lobby around 7:30 to talk to the other applicantants before the interviews started. At 8 they toured us around the facility, showing us the flat pannel rooms, simulators, and classrooms. After that we were brought in for a quick HR session and following that we had time with some of the pilots that were... -
Mar 13, 2025
Same as everyone here. Flew in the day before stayed at the hotel. 10/10 experience. The interview took 23-30min felt very quick. HR questions was why Republic?, What makes a good FO, What skills do you have other than flying that can help you as an FO, What got you into aviation. The Capitan was checking my logbook and resume. Asked about thunderstorm would you wanna fly above or below it. If winds moving the storm left to right which was would you want pass, If ILS light are out what's... -
Mar 12, 2025
Great process, flew out to their facility and stayed in their hotel. Got in the day before and got to explore the hotel before interviewing the next morning. Started with a tour of the training facility. Then we filled out a form with our flight time and if we had any check ride failures. Interview was very quick, no more than 20 minutes. Was asked why Republic, how I started flying, what I would do if I found ice during preflight, how do I handle stress, etc. The technical portion consisted... -
Mar 10, 2025
Very relaxed interview. You fly in the day before. The hotel and training facility is extremely nice and the area in which it is located is nice as well. Everyone was very friendly. Make sure you bring a nice suit, be yourself, and you will be fine. Everything that i was asked, which was very minimal, was on this study guide. The day of the interview, you will meet in the hotel lobby at 7:30am. Be on time this is a professional job. An HR person will give you a tour of the training facility.... -
Mar 05, 2025
Very similar to all of the other experiences here. Meet in the lobby by 7:30. Tour of the facilities and quick Q&A with some of the pilots. Then called back one by one for interview. HR questions while they review your documents. Why Republic, What makes a good FO, What qualities do you possess, What got you started in aviation. Then the technical portion, read meter/TAF, is an alternate required based off TAF, Brief an approach plate, couple of plate questions, explain a system of an... -
Mar 05, 2025
My experience was about the same as the others listed here. I was told at the end that the pilot review board would have to go over my application. About a week later I got a phone call from the recruiter offering me the...
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