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FREE Pilot interview information and gouge

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  • Overall the process was exactly what was explained on here, flew out the day before the interview and stayed in one of their hotel rooms. Morning of, checked out and met with other applicants, got a tour and met with HR and captains to ask questions, after that had to fill out a time table asking for total time and all the other times we've filled out on the application, (some miscellaneous times like XC PIC and Night PIC). After that we were interviewed 1 by 1, but 3 interviews we're happening...

Pilot interviewing trend at Republic Airways

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  1. 1. 

    Jan 15, 2025
    Typical HR interview questions - TMAAT questions about CRM and how I got into aviation, Technical - IFR alternate fuel requirements, Why does a airplane have a maneuvering speed, Brief an approach plate, Walk me through how you prepare for a flight including preflight, Did not get asked to read any METAR or TAF but other interviewees I was with did. I was told right after the interview that I passed others found out in the next couple of...

  2. 2. 

    Jan 12, 2025
    Gouge was spot-on...nothing different as far as process and schedule that you read on this website... what you really want to know from 12 Jan 2025 interview (no surprises): HR questions: - Tell us about yourself - Why Aviation? - Why Republic? - Tell me what is the toughest time you had in training - Which Domicile works best for you? Technical questions: - When can you use a displaced Threshold? - Tell me about RVSM - What altitude can you make your first departure turn? - Holding...

  3. 3. 

    Jan 08, 2025
    Flown out to Indy the day prior. Hotel arrangements made by company at their training center hotel. Campus is very impressive. 9 total people interviewing Walked through campus on day of interview by an HR rep. On site sims, cockpit trainers, study rooms, cabin trainer, etc. Very cool campus. Then had a 45 min Q&A with two captains and one FO. Those three pilots each did 3 interviews of our group of 9. After Q&A they walk you back to the hotel for the interview and have you...

  4. 4. 

    Dec 18, 2024
    Everything on here is spot on. Did a very brief phone screening (not really an interview at all) then flown out to indy to tour the facilities and interview. Every person I came in contact with was extremely friendly and helpful. Interview was pretty straightforward, a few HR questions then some fast paced technical stuff. They want to see who you are more than anything. Do your research on the company, use all resources to prepare.   Be personable and genuine and you’ll be...

  5. 5. 

    Dec 16, 2024
    My experience closely matches the experiences of other applicants. I was sent an email to set up a phone screen with a pilot recruiter. The phone screen was to review logbook hours and discuss next steps of an in person interview in about a month. Applicants are given the option to fly via positive space or to drive to Indianapolis.  The morning of the interview started off with meeting the other applicants in the lobby and then touring the new facilities and included a recruitment...

  6. 6. 

    Dec 10, 2024
    Flew us in the night before the interview. Had the opportunity to interact with the wonderful company hotel staff and enjoy their great facilities. Interview started with a tour and a Q&A with one of the hiring pilots. The interview team were wonderful and kind. They want to get to know YOU. If you don’t understand the question, they will help paint the scenario if you ask clarifying questions. All questions included in the study guide are accurate and helped me...

  7. 7. 

    Dec 09, 2024
    Interview experience was exactly the same as other's have described. I had a great experience, and felt very welcomed. So long as you study the guides here and answer honestly and competently you will be fine. The interview was relatively short, maybe 25 minutes max. HR questions for half then technical for the other half. HR questions are straight forward, just have practiced and thoughtful responses. Technical: be able to brief a SID, STAR, and IAP, be able to read un-decoded TAF and make...

  8. 8. 

    Dec 04, 2024
    As everyone else has said it here, the interview experience at Republic was amazing! They flew me in the day before and flew me back home immediately after the interview. The day started with complimentary breakfast and a tour of the facilities , after that we went to a room for a Q&A session with some pilots , who are going to be the pilots interviewing you. After that we went back to the hotel for the interviews to start, I was the first one of my group to be called to my interview....

  9. 9. 

    Nov 20, 2024
    We first went on a tour of the facility. Friendly interview process. Sat through a short presentation and Q&A session. Then broke off for short interview. I had 2 HR reps and a pilot that I interviewed with. They made it very comfortable and...

  10. 10. 

    Nov 19, 2024
    Interview process was exactly as described on here. Facilities were very nice, staff was super nice. Knew I would like to work for the company as soon as I walked into the hotel. The captains conducting the interview were very friendly, same with the HR staff conducting the interviews. No gotcha questions. Why you want to work at Republic, tell me about any checkride failures, what makes a good FO. Technical was briefing an approach plate, do I need an alternate, read a METAR/TAF. My TAF had...

  11. Good and accurate prep for my interview. The website had exact scenarios that were asked.

    Andrew M Dec 19, 2024

    Hired at Republic Airways
    Helpful to get an understanding of the types of questions that will be asked!

    Riley R Nov 18, 2024

    Hired at Republic Airways