Red Wing Aviation
All CompaniesFREE Pilot interview information and gouge
I applied online. The process took 6 days.I interviewed at Red Wing Aviation (United States). After submitting my application I got an email to set up and interview within 1 week. I talked with a lady who was wonderful about explaining the ins and outs of the company. The interview took about 30 minutes. They flew me to HQ and had a good breakfast in the morning of the interview day. Took shuttle bus at 7:15 at hotel lobby. You don't need to worry...
Jul 10, 2024
I applied online. The process took 6 days.I interviewed at Red Wing Aviation (United States). After submitting my application I got an email to set up and interview within 1 week. I talked with a lady who was wonderful about explaining the ins and outs of the company. The interview took about 30 minutes. They flew me to HQ and had a good breakfast in the morning of the interview day. Took shuttle bus at 7:15 at hotel lobby. You don't need to worry about mingle because at the end of the day... -
Jun 24, 2024
Submitted my resume and got an email back within about a week for a telephone interview with HR. It was pretty straight forward just confirming hours and experience, but mostly just a personality and compatibility interview. A few tell me about a time style questions. (view the study guide of this website). Wound up getting an email to go in for the in person interview with a week, they fly you out and set you up in a hotel with breakfast and provide lunch at the... -
Submitted my resume and got an email back within about a week for a telephone interview with HR. It was pretty straight forward just confirming hours and experience, but mostly just a personality and compatibility interview. A few tell me about a time style questions. (view the study guide of this website). Wound up getting an email to go in for the in person interview with a week, they fly you out and set you up in a hotel with breakfast and provide lunch at the interview. In...
If you can look over the XOJet gouge as well. Vista just announced their American rebrand as Vista America. They flew me in the evening prior to Columbus, Ohio. Morning of we met in the rec room of Jet Edge who was bought by Vista this year. Everyone slowly showed up and started talking. If you have one wear a suit and tie or blazer and slacks/skirt. Don’t be shy, ask others about themselves. The company wants positive personalities. We started the company presentation around 8 and...
The gouge for XOJet and Red Wing Aviation are right on point. Phone Interview: I was called for a phone interview within a week. It was your typical questions about yourself and experience and verifying hours. All the questions are on the study guide. Overall, don’t hide your emotions or fake a personality you think they want, be who you are. They are trying to see if you’ll be someone they want to fly with for 15 days at a time. At the end of the phone interview I had a few tech...
I found the questions here to be right on target. It's a great site and definitely worth the investment. Although it might not appear very legitimate at first glance, rest assured that the information provided is of high quality. I would like to mention something to potential candidates seeking employment with this organization: They maintain a high level of professionalism and will quickly notice if you haven't prepared adequately. Getting a job with this company is a direct reflection of...
Amazing and very friendly. Be sure to read the study guide. Be yourself and understand that this is a career job and not a stepping stone. Interviewers are there to see that you really want to be in corporate flying and they will know if you are not genuine. 3part interview , Tell me about yourself, TMAAT,TECHNICAL, candidate...
Follow the gauge. Spoke about the company and explain about the environment. I was asked. Tell me about yourself, what can you bring to the company, why not part 121, why do do want to leave your current job, what's are your goals, know what is a Mel, convective sigmet, RVR, customer service know these and use the gauge an your all...
The interview was absolutely as prescribed from other gouges. If preparation is with what's online and have well versed scenario based questions, all will be fine. Additionally, if an answer isn't known, be truthful and say "I don't know" don't try to waffle an answer. The interviewers are professionals and have heard it all before. The process took about 50mins via a zoom call. There were four people in the interview, three management pilots and one lady for HR. Though nervous...
Got through the first interview - the questions on here were spot on. I had a second interview scheduled. Before the second interview I was called and informed they are short on captains and my interview was canceled. I was told to advise when I'm closer to 1500 hours. I spoke with a recent new hired FO. He had gone through training and type rating. He was about three months out for his IOE due to lack of training captains. I asked him about his 12 month contract and he said there was a 12...
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