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Study Guides


Pilot Study Guide Questions


Flight Attendant Study Guide Questions

Pilot Interview Study Guide Questions from Actual Interviews

  1.   What would you do if your FO showed up late to the airplane?
  2.   Tell me about a time you provided too harsh feedback?
  3.   Tell me about a time you made a decision outside your area of expertise?
  4.   What would you do if your airplane was quickly accumulating ice?
  5.   What is a hung/hot start and what would you do?
  6.   What would you do if the windshield cracked at high altitude?
  7.   What are VFR weather minimums for Class D airspace?
  8.   What are the dimensions of Class D airspace?
  9.   What are RVSM altitudes and requirements for operating in RVSM airspace?
  10.   What aircraft approach speed for each aircraft category A,B,C, and D?

These are only 10 study guide questions of the 13,406 we have for pilots!