Frontier Airlines
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My interview at Frontier Airlines headquarters in Denver was scheduled for 12 PM. I arrived about 15 minutes early, feeling prepared and excited. There were four of us interviewing that day, and I was the second to arrive. Shortly after, the hiring team—comprised of two pilots and two representatives from HR—greeted us in the lobby. They introduced themselves warmly and outlined what to expect during the interview process. Right away, they told us their goal was to hire all of us, which immediately helped ease any nerves. We were then split into two groups of two. I was the first to go. The process began with a logbook review, so my first tip: ensure your logbook is well-organized, tabbed, and up-to-date with 30-, 60-, and 90-day currency. Bring original copies of everything, even if you...
Mar 18, 2025
Overall great experience! It started off with tell me about yourself. There were a lot of TMAAT questions. Where you did something wrong where you had to answer to management. Your most memorable flight. What is something that you don’t agree with at your company and what would you change? Scenario where you lost vertical guidance and the weather was low visibility. What would you do? They expanded on that and they were trying to see what my top of descent would be. They want you to be... -
Mar 18, 2025
Very good experience. I arrived at noon for the afternoon interview session and met three other applicants. We were greeted by a number of folks from the interview team and seated in the lunch area. Food was provided and they took our logbooks for a review. About 15 to 20 minutes later they began calling us in one at time for our interview. I was second to go and had a great interview experience with two really nice folks. TMAY, TMAAT, etc. No technical in my session. They truly want... -
Mar 18, 2025
5 of us in the morning pool, at least 3 of us were hired (other 2 unknown since I had to leave right away). Very friendly two-person panel and focused on HR questions, with one descent question. They said to frame responses in a Situation, Action, Result (and prompted me for more info when I initially failed to do that!). They also said they realized I may not know the company answers to situations, but wanted to hear my thought process. I can't remember which question I explained this,... -
Mar 11, 2025
Got to the interview around noon for the 1230 spot. Sat in the lobby after getting name tag printed. Met with four other candidates and chatted about past experience/where we all lived etc. Lunch was provided. Waited in the break room while they looked over logbooks/paperwork. Make sure you tab your logbook! Questions were standard TMAAT and what would you do. Looked at a METAR with snow and low visibility and explained what stuck out to me and what considerations I’d have for the... -
Mar 11, 2025
Very laid back interview experience—everyone was extremely welcoming and put us all at ease. 6 people in our interview group. Some soft ball tell me about a time questions, about 6 total. Classic “why frontier” and “tell us about yourself” sprinkled in. One or two technical questions with analyzing a METAR and thinking of considerations to go along with that(low ceilings, terrible visibility, braking action 5/4/3, what would you be thinking about) Also a... -
Mar 04, 2025
Everything as previously described, people were friendly but make sure you are professional and nice to everyone as soon as you walk in the door. Also if you have the 1 pm slot, show up at noon as that's when we all did. Don't use your phone, be cordial and look people in the eye. Make sure your logbook is tabbed! Apparently they were having people showing up without their logbook tabbed and they suggested that was a no go. They took us to the lunch break area and told us how the day was... -
Mar 04, 2025
The experience was pretty much exactly as described here. Very nice people! It was very much a "get to know you" event. Not many technical questions though you need to be ready for them. I did get a descent problem to solve. Overall a very pleasant experience. I was stressed about it but that was all self inflicted. Used that energy to prepare and be sharp. Very excited about the opportunity! Good... -
Feb 25, 2025
There was 4 other applicants during the morning session and all 5 of us got hired. Arrived at 8 am and met all of the interviewers. They took all of the documents and logbooks right away and reviewed these while we all sat talking to each other. They took applicants one by one to be interviewed. The interview was roughly 30 minutes and started with a tell us about yourself and how you got to where you are today. My questions consisted a lot of customer service oriented questions and... -
Feb 25, 2025
All questions are TMAT or WWYD - they are evaluating your decision making skills and personality. If you have some previous 121 experience - this interview should be a good one. Just recall all past situations you had and apply them to the questions asked. Everything is graded on a points scale, if you score high enough, you get the offer. Of course, everything is very professional, you feel... -
Feb 13, 2025
My interview was done at NGPA. Interview was straight forward! They wanted it to be a general discussion to see if you would fit in. They reviewed my logbooks, asked for a resume and all the paperwork you were asked to bring to the interview. First question was to introduce myself, and other HR type questions, (view the study guide of this website). Three "Technical Questions. Tell us about your best day in aviation. Tell us about your worst day. Tell us about a role...
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