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  • The process is very standardized and mostly as described. In all previous reports. I submitted a resume with an internal recommendation in the beginning of Summer and was called to schedule the phone interview the next day. Phone interview is very low key, making sure you are ok with some of the apparent red flags in the I dusted, carrying bags and cleaning toilets and such. Why you are leaving your current job and what interests you about FlexJet. It just takes a few min and there are no technical or TMAT questions. After the phone interview I received an email to schedule the in person interview, for the next available slot. You will also receive an email to, verify your itinerary and what to bring with you. Take the time to have your documents professionally printed.  The interview might start in the hotel lobby or at least the parking lot of the Center building. Literally was told by the Interviewer “I saw you walk in from the parking lot”. Look good, be friendly, be polite and charismatic. You will meet the other candidates at tables centrally located in a break area. There are other separated sitting areas...

Pilot interviewing trend at Flexjet

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  1. 1. 

    Mar 26, 2025
    Interview and simulator exactly as described. No surprises. Very professional and well organized group of people. Everyone seems really happy to be working at Flexjet. Finished the interview by 11:30 am. Got the call I was hired at 14:30 the same...

  2. 2. 

    Mar 18, 2025
    Summary: I did not make it due to the Sim (Learjet 45). Everyone was professional and classy. No ill will towards them, but I do wonder about the Sim evaluation. Flew in to DFW with plenty of time to situate, study, rest, whatever. Be downstairs in the lobby at 0615 bc the shuttle departs at 0620-0630. The day was exactly as represented here in the other comments. I had the panel interview and was last to do the sim evaluation. Got the call on Thursday afternoon that I did not get...

  3. 3. 

    Mar 12, 2025
    The Flexjet experience was exactly as what others described in other submissions. It is human nature to “know” or have insight as to what awaits us. If you are nervous, it okay because it only means you care about the outcome. If you simply study the panel questions and “chair fly” the simulation(s) you will be prepared and do fine. I personally studied the Jepp ILS 22L to JKF to familiarize myself with the approach and give a good briefing to my acting FO. The...

  4. 4. 

    Mar 11, 2025
    The interview went exactly as described. Group presentation with a Q&A which answered pretty much all the questions I had. Panel interview with a recruiter and pilot. No technical questions were asked, just a few TMAT type questions and conversation to get to know more about you and gauge your personality. Years ago when I did my initial ATP at a regional I needed to retake my check ride and was concerned that might hurt me in the interview when I told them about it, but they did not...

  5. 5. 

    Mar 05, 2025
    Honestly there isn’t much that I can add here that hasn’t already been relayed by others. The interview is exactly the same as the lengthy narratives available on AviationInterviews.com Very positive experience, highly organized and friendly people. There are no trick questions during the panel interview and they just want to get to know you and hear why you are interested in the company. In the break room a fair number of new hires wandered through and all of them had nothing...

  6. 6. 

    Mar 04, 2025
    Just like everyone else mentioned on here. They put is up in a hotel DFW at the north end of DFW. Hotel shuttle took us to the Center in the morning of the interview. Very laid back and low keyed. Sim was just as outlined with no tricks. Very straight forward. Panel was HR and 2 pilots. Lasted about 45 mins. Mainly want to know prior experience and personal background. Very good...

  7. 7. 

    Mar 04, 2025
    Same timeline as other experiences. Sim profile was also exact same as other posts. All interview questions were from the question bank. Studying the question bank before hand was very helpful. Biggest piece of advice. Be genuine with your responses. They're looking to get to know you . If you mess something up on the sim, own...

  8. 8. 

    Feb 26, 2025
    Good morning to all! As others have written in the reviews, it is all very straight forward. I submitted my application before bed one night iapproximately 2 months ago and I woke up the next morning to an email requesting a phone interview. I knocked that out a few days later and was invited to schedule an in person interview. Between a busy work schedule, sick kids, and then myself getting sick it took about 3 weeks to finally get back to them and schedule the interview in Dallas. The...

  9. 9. 

    Feb 25, 2025
    The interview was exactly as others described on here. Very well organized to get you on site and a very relaxed atmosphere once there. They give a great briefing about the company and then puts everyone in the break room, taking guys in the order of your outbound flight times into the sim and panel. Panel is straight forward, no technical questions. Just going through your background, some TMAAT questions and then you get an opportunity to question them. Sim is straight forward, the Flexjet...

  10. 10. 

    Feb 25, 2025
    Same report as everyone else. I rented no motion sim in Chicago for 2 hour prior. This worked out for me, as I did not have a lot of glass time and I could practice the departure with the reduced power settings. At Flexjet, I had a great time, and the Sim went well. The interview is low...

  11. This site prepared me and was key to me getting my job.

    Ryan K Oct 13, 2024

    Hired at Flexjet
    A clear idea of the expectations of the interview.

    Kristopher M Oct 10, 2024

    Hired at Flexjet