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  • Walked in to the main office door and met with the Chief Pilot and Pilot Team Ops Manager; we immediately began a tour of the facility/hangars. Afterwards, we sat down in the main conference room where we walked through my resume. Some of the...

Pilot interviewing trend at Corporate Flight Departments

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  1. 1. 

    Jan 16, 2025
    I met the pilot on the ramp and got talking about paragliding as I noticed his gear. That led to talking about me looking for a job, he asked if I had a resume with me, checked it, and walked me out to interview with his boss on the spot. The pilot was very interested in getting me on board, but it took a little convincing to for his boss as I don't have any previous jet time. I stayed in contact and met with the boss again and was able to convince him to give me a shot. The interview was...

  2. 2. 

    Dec 10, 2024
    The initial interview was a phone interview. The recruiter was looking to verify information from the resume and get to know the applicant on a personal level. The second interview was a video interview involving a representative from management and HR. It included both technical and HR questions. They had me read a Jeppeson approach plate and an arrival chart. They asked what coffin corner means to me. They proposed a scenario where I was on the arrival and given radar vectors into...

  3. 3. 

    Dec 03, 2024
    My interview was with the owner and CP. I arrived early with printed resumes and dressed professionally. They asked me a couple questions about if I wanted to stay in the area (small area) and if I planned on going to the airlines (I do not). Then we toured the jet and started it up. CP talked with me about the job and got me on the schedule to start flying trips. There were no technical questions. I had interviewed and explained beforehand how I want to stay in the area and a bit about...

  4. 4. 

    Sep 04, 2024
    Quite a relaxed environment with owner and chief of operations at their offices. We reviewed my background/experience and told me all about the company. I could do all the questions I wanted. Technical part was aimed towards basic part 135 regulations., (view the study guide of this...

  5. 5. 

    Jul 02, 2024
    Walked in to the main office door and met with the Chief Pilot and Pilot Team Ops Manager; we immediately began a tour of the facility/hangars. Afterwards, we sat down in the main conference room where we walked through my resume. Some of the questions I received were as follows: - “Tell me about your time with (prior job).” Some variation of this question was asked for most of the jobs I included on the resume. These questions took most of the time. - “What makes you...

  6. 6. 

    Everything I have read on here is really accurate. I was asked a few questions regarding aerodynamics and other questions,  (view the study guide of this website).  Everything was laid back and straight forward. Total time in the room was 30...

  7. 7. 

    I was hired based at this Part 91 Corporate flight department due to a number of factors. I live in very close proximity to the airport, I have the flight time necessary, and I was very familiar with the operations out of Leesburg Executive Airport. The interview was more of a personality interview than a technical interview. There were zero technical interview questions. I was asked if I could attend training soon and I answered yes. I have a class date at CAE Dallas next week. I...

  8. 8. 

    First I spoke with the Georgia Jet director or operations about the position and my experience. He told me about the company type of work and specifics of job. He asked about my flying experience and why i was leaving my current employer. He told me about some of the difficulties they were having getting training dates and asked if it seemed like a company i would want to work for. Then i was invited to have a formal interview it was was straightforward and more of a get to know you and...

  9. 9. 

    No practical questions were asked in the interview. Overall very good experience, the chief pilot, captain, and director of safety operations conducted the interview. They were also ATP alumni so it helped me a lot talking about my experience as an instructor. They really just wanted to know about my flight experience and what to expect if I was hired onto the team. Very laid back and they answered quite a few of my questions about them as...

  10. 10. 
  11. Thank you for the service this site provides, it is truly invaluable.

    Elliot R Mar 14, 2025

    It gives you great information, and as an airline candidate you want every edge you can get.

    Trevin B Mar 14, 2025