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We've Aviation Professionals Prepare for their Interviews!
  • I came in as an Aviate participant, however the process is basically the same. The only benefit of being in Aviate is the waived ATP questionnaire they make OTS hires complete. It took a few weeks to hear back from Commute. I called them using the recruiting number on the website and that was what really got my foot in the door. There was some delay due to the recruiter being busy, but he eventually got back to me to schedule a phone screening. On the phone screening, it was very basic, and he asked me HR type questions).  After that, I was scheduled for a MS Teams interview the following Monday and received the study packet the next day. Had about 5 days to memorize the packet (2 pages that contains basic callouts, flight profiles for missed, and flap/gear/tailwind limitations). You NEED to know these...

Pilot interviewing trend at CommutAir

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  1. 1. 

    Feb 26, 2025
    Spoke with the CommuteAir team at a pilot conference after having my App completed for about 2 months. After the conference called and left a voicemail with the persons contact information I was given. Within 2 hours of leaving the voicemail I was called by a recruiter and completed a 15 minute phone screen and asked my availability for an interview. The interview was over teams with the recruiter director of training chief pilot and a FO that had been with the company around 2 years. the...

  2. 2. 

    Feb 06, 2025
    Was asked basic HR questions. (view the study guide of this website).  Why do you want to be a pilot?  Technical focused mainly of briefing, callouts and IFR knowledge. I briefed an arrival.  Read a Meter/TAF, do we need an alternate? Missed approach point on the ILS? MAP callouts (as pilot flying). ILS critical area? Can we continue an approach if ceilings go below minimums? Basic hold fuel calculations. Hold speed limits. Can we accept this approach (no, exceeds max tailwind...

  3. 3. 

    Feb 04, 2025
    Very relaxed, I’m part of the AVIATE program, which got me my interview. Went to a job fair and emailed the recruiter directly once at hours. Everything moved very quickly after that. Just be yourself, study the core values, rely heavily on safety as a priority. Everything on here will help you succeed. VMC, brief taxi and hotspots, STAR and SID simulated flight, memorize the callouts, holding speeds, when you can shoot an approach, when you need a takeoff alternate. Very quick only...

  4. 4. 

    Dec 12, 2024
    Aviate participant here. Interview was very easygoing. Both the pilot and HR person were very friendly, made great conversation, and made the interview process feel very comfortable. It started with some simple HR questions, nothing crazy here. Come up with some good stories to share for the general HR questions and you'll be fine. After that, the pilot took over and we went through the callouts from start to the end. He then asked me about flap speeds. Make sure to study up on everything...

  5. 5. 

    Dec 11, 2024
    Interview was straight forward with a HR rep and a current First Officer. We started with the HR portion consisting of an overview of the company. Then was asked tell us about yourself, why CommuteAir, how would other pilots describe you, and talk about how you handled an emergency. After the HR portion, the pilot had me brief a simulated flight. Be sure to study the callouts, as you will go over them. The flight was from gate push back, all the way to expected taxi at the destination. So be...

  6. 6. 

    Dec 06, 2024
    Overall great experience. Know your stuff but most of all come into the interview not afraid to be wrong and welcome to feedback. Personality seems to be huge for them. For the technical portion, we started with a takeoff from KIAH on runway 15L from taxiway WW. I was the pilot monitoring and went through all the callouts and such for the takeoff. Then went into the GUMBY 3 RNAV SID, LCH transition. She had me brief the plate and asked questions. What's the red circle around the airport....

  7. 7. 

    Dec 04, 2024
    Very nice people doing the interviews. One HR rep and one current FO. Began with HR questions, very basic. With HR rep (HR questions).  Then a couple of other random questions from the study guide on here. Then she left the call. With pilot (technical portion): scenario was from IAH to JAX. Briefed the weather. METAR. TAF. Do we need an alternate takeoff airport? What is alternate takeoff min requirements? Brief a taxi. Brief the departure out of 15L. Went over speeds for flaps and...

  8. 8. 

    Nov 25, 2024
    Started off with an intro to the company and some updates to the company. Really relaxed atmosphere and friendly. Started off with HR questions which lasted about 20 minutes. Then it was technical questions from a FO who was previously DEN based. Looked at a taxi diagram and talked about the hotspot. Then we covered the call outs followed by a SID out of DEN. Went over a meter and then an approach. Talked about the systems in the Seminole and then I asked questions at the end. Straight...

  9. 9. 

    Nov 07, 2024
    My interview went just like all the others and it went well the Captain that was asking the questions seemed to be new just based off of how he asked them. We went through all the call outs through the scenario we walked through I briefed an ILS asked some questions about the airspeeds and flaps and everything you could use to slow down make sure to also talk about air brakes. know what to expect when flying through a microburst. It was a very laid back interview I had gotten a call about 5...

  10. 10. 

    Nov 05, 2024
    Aviate member. Recruiter and Interview Pilot joined the Teams interview early, so come prepared, wear a suit, shave, be professional, etc. 5 TMAAT questions that involved decision making. Take some time and write out stories that you can tell, that won't show you're a dangerous pilot. If you can come up with answers to every question in the study guide, you'll have no problem. If they ask about anything that could potentially be negative, put a positive spin on it. Own your mistakes, and...

  11. All the information is easy to find in one place.

    Kamren R Dec 19, 2024

    Hired at CommutAir
    It had very helpful information about what I was looking for.

    Michelle P Apr 17, 2024

    Hired at CommutAir