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FREE United Airlines Simulator Scenario

We've Aviation Professionals Prepare for their Interviews!
  • Scenario: DEN to AUS B737 You PF FO PM 1. Choose your own weather. I chose SKC for departure and destination. He said excellent decision. Wasn’t concerned of the runway or departure. Just make something up. I used DEN1 for a SID and AUS1 for a STAR (NO CHARTS provided). There is a difference between SKC and CLR. Know that incase he asks you to define the difference. -Fuel is Trip+FAR and NO alternate. Land in AUS with 6000lbs. That’s the plan. 2. Brief your FO. 13 items. I divided it up -First part of the brief is a pre-brief before we in the cockpit. Cover 6 items. -The remaining items are then briefed starting with the Departure Clearance in a logical sequence to end with Threats. 3. He said you have WSHR on departure, how does that change your brief. Mentioned it was an environmental threat and we have to prepare and manage that threat. Briefed my WSHR escape manoeuvre. 4. En-route Yaw Damper failure. Does not clear. Boeing you can continue. No need to divert. He told me this as I’m not typed on the Boeing. You at F360 and 300KTS - Note, you have the option...

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