United Airlines
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Interview Experiences From United Airlines Pilot Interviews :
1. (Dec 12, 2024) You arrive an hour early and to check-in. They make you feel very comfortable. I interviewed for the Aviate program as a PPL. A pilot comes in and introduces himself, then you surrender your logbooks. I brought original and digital copies. They encourage you to drink water and offer that. The pilot then talks about his journey to United, offers to answer any questions, and takes you on a tour of the facility, including the museum. We came back into a holding room where we got a few minutes... Continue reading this interview experience..
2. (Oct 29, 2024) Gouges here were very accurate on interview experience. It took a long time for me to hear back from UAL after submitting an application, even with a meet & greet endorsement from a chief pilot. Over a year from initial application to receiving email invitation for the online leadership assessment (Hogan test). After completing the leadership assessment, had email the next day initiating to schedule an interview, which I scheduled within a few weeks. Interviewed on a Tuesday, heard... Continue reading this interview experience..
Study Guide Questions for Your United Airlines Interview:
- 1. (Jan 31, 2025) How would you plan a descent with a speed reduction along the route?
- 10 knots per 1 mile.
- 2. (Jul 11, 2024) If you're cleared to climb via SID what altitude can you climb to?
- The top altitude listed on the SID for that departure runway. The top altitude is listed in the text of the SID, and is not necessarily the highest altitude on the plan view.
- the highest indicated at or below on the chart or the altitude in the box of the chart stating maintain xxx
- 3. (Nov 01, 2024) What are your RTO duties?
- After RTO the primary duties is the safety of the aircraft and occupants from any hazard that could arise as result
- "Spoilers, Reverse, 90, 60" notify ATC
- Current company specific , but any abnormalities below X knots , reject , above x knots only for the big 5 , handle all others after v1 in the air
- We will reject the takeoff prior to V1 for Master caution, Master warning, engine fire or aircraft unsafe or unable to fly.
- 4. (Sep 25, 2024) If you're cleared to descend via what altitude do you set?
- The bottom altitude that is listed on the chart.
- 5. (Jun 24, 2024) How would you debrief after a flight using United's CRM/TEM model?
- What went well? What could we have done differently? Focus specifically on CRM/TEM especially communication. Did we involve the decision makers OUTSIDE the cockpit too? Be prepared to discuss which of the 7 CRM components, besides communication, related most to the scenario in question.
- 6. (Feb 02, 2025) Can you list the 13 briefing items?
- Threats (threats fwd - personal, environmental, technical) MX status NOTAMS Fuel Plan Taxi/Hotspots RTO Evacuation duties Departure clearance SID review WX/windshear TO performance Eng Out after V1 Terrain
- 7. (Mar 21, 2025) What does climb via SID mean?
- Maintain speeds and altitude restrictions along the course.
- 8. (Aug 18, 2024) In 4 minutes, tell us how you got from when you first fell in love with aviation to where you are now.
- I started about my passion as a kid. We traveled a bunch growing up; and it’s truly what I enjoyed. I spoke about quitting sports and focusing on flying in high school. I discussed my involvement with school programs. Then, I moved on to my college career where I discussed my instructor job end extracurricular activities that I was involved in. Fraternity, social programs. Wanted them to see the leadership positions I held outside of flying. I told them about my 121 jobs and the reasons why I left. Everything I said was focused on career advancement. I never mentioned anything negative
- 9. (Mar 19, 2025) What do you need when given a vector off a SID/STAR?
- You need an altitude to maintain.
- ATC must assign an altitude to maintain.
- 10. (Oct 18, 2024) Why do you want to work for United?
- UAL is not the biggest airline but it is the industry leader when it comes to Technical innovation, environmentally friendly initiatives and being a contributing Global Citizen. The others are playing catch-up.
- I tied my regional airline experience to the answer stating in part that I had experience in the United system. I also expressed admiration for the companies diversity and the fact that they've been taking the lead on many issues (do research about United's position of bio fuels, pilot shortages etc). Highly admired company, hometown airline (at least for me) and the list goes on.
- Been researching all the airlines and UAL has the most diverse fleet, bases and has large expansion plans. They also seem to be the most progressive company in terms of diversity and inclusion.
- I want United Airlines because the company and I shares de same core values. I identify myself with the company and also I always listened from United pilots that the Company enviroment is incredible and the people are friendly and that's what I want for me: A great company with a great reputantion among its employees.
What types of things will be asked in a Simulator or Scenario exercise?
(Nov 20, 2024) For the tabletop, I was the captain of a 737 flight from DEN to IAD. I ran the pre-departure brief using the 13 briefing items. We taxi’d and took off with no issues (asked questions about departure weather and requirement for departure alternate). Asked about top altitude on SID and any restrictions when vectored off the SID. After level off had a yaw damper...Continue reading simulator / scenario information..
(May 10, 2024) LAS-SFO -Planning to depart 26R -About to take the runway, and ATC advises winds just shifted to 330 17G45. -What are you thinking about? -What do you do? -During take off, you hear 'Windshear'. -What do you do? -A: Windshear Escape manuever. -At TOD, you see Fuel Filter Light message. -What do you do? Acknowledge and call for checklist. -What are you thinking? -A: Fuel contamination, air in fuel lines, possible blocked filtee or fuel flow issue. Notify ATC of situations and get priority to land. Prepared to declare emergency if situation escalated. It didn't. -Given Descend via, but part way down, ATC give you a heading of 320. -What do you need to...Continue reading simulator / scenario information..
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