Spirit Airlines
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Interview Experiences From Spirit Airlines Pilot Interviews :
1. (May 23, 2024) Was super easy. They make you feel comfortable and ask basic questions. Interview didn’t go on for more than 20 mins. As soon as you enter the room in the morning, there is some breakfast and they talk about a company. There is a presentation and then there are some games to play when you called one by one into a big room where four interviews are taken, simultaneously there are four desks each with two representatives. They start by asking you some HR questions. And end with asking... Continue reading this interview experience..
2. (May 23, 2024) This interview was for the pilot cadet pathway program, The day started out with a nice meet and greet of all the other possible cadets that were there. They supplied us with a nice breakfast. We then were brought into a conference/classroom where they gave us a presentation about the company and what the pathway program has to offer. The presentation lasted about an hour or so. We took a 10 min break before they started calling you back for the interview. The interview was very HR... Continue reading this interview experience..
Study Guide Questions for Your Spirit Airlines Interview:
- 1. What does a hold short line look like?
- 2. The ILS RWY 1L KLAS what is the highest terrain, MSA, and where's the FAF?
- 8469' Left Side of the chart (Big Arrow) MSA - Top Right of the chart ( Round " MSA LAS VOR" ) Highest MSA is 13.200ft FAF - NODIY fix
- Black Highest Arrow 8469', MSA 13200', FAF at NODIY GS 5300'
- Technically, the FAF for the ILS would be glide slope intercept at 5300'. The maltese cross at NOIDY is the final approach fix for a non precision approach
- 3. Tell me about a time you had to deal with a difficult captain.
- Captain ignored checklists and sterile cockpit. To remind him I said in a very friendly tone "Sterile Cockpit" and I also did the checklist which prompted him to do it also.
- 4. If hired, when can you start?
- Immediately
- 5. Tell me about a time you had an altercation or disagreement in the flight deck.
- Aborted a takeoff for cargo door light and captain wanted to continue the takeoff
- 6. Do you have any questions?
- They askeded thins on in interview also. Everything on this site is current. So, all questions were already answered.
- 7. Walk me through your resume.
- This is your chance to sell them on you!
- I.e. tell me about yourself then work your way into your jobs and other activities.
- 8. Who are you?
- This is your time to give your 3-5 min intro speech.
- 9. Why Spirit?
- I believe Spirit's business model is superior than any other airline, and will soon rival any major carrier.
- You need to sell them on why you really do want to come to Spirit. You have to act excited about the job. If your reason for interviewing is just to move on from a regional, that is not going to be a good enough answer. Career progression is not an acceptable answer either. A good answer would be why you are buying into the Spirit business model. Why do you think Spirit is in a position to be successful in the next 5-10 years? If you can nail your why Spirit question it will set the tone for the interview.
- They are not crazy about wanting to come to Spirit solely based off of growth and your expectation to upgrade in 2,3,4 years whatever it may be at the time of interview. Spirit is looking for individuals that are really interested in working for Spirit.
- I LOVE SPIRIT AIRLINES 1. Spirit Airlines is innovative, looking into the future, technologically and logistically 2. Improving "guest experiences". coining phrases " A' la smarte" "Invest in our guest" and offering choices to have certain amenities 3. Committed to their communities and employees 4. Setting higher standards: case in point- OAG recently recognized Spirit's on time performance (May 2019) and were the first Major to take delivery of the A320NEO netting them a 16% savings in fuel cost " That's Smart"!! 5. Overall Spirit has the best model and youngest fleet in the industry 5.6 yrs.
- I have a deep belief in Spirit's mission statement (know the mission statement "invest in guest etc.") 2. Your experience 135, 121 3. Sense of connection to Team Spirit, it's culture.
- Probably the most important question of the interview. I stressed that I liked the way their employees really like working there, how well they're treated, and that I really liked their business model, and that it would be a company I'd be proud to fly for.
- 10. Have you ever failed a checkride?
- no
- yes
- yes my private
- yes, cfi initial, oral
- Yes, oral exam for multi-engine commercial
- my private and my initial check ride for Mesa
- yes, CFI Oral, I wasn't teaching
- Multi engine, told a story that explained what happened and what I learned
- Yes, ATP
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