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Interview Experiences From Southern Air Pilot Interviews :

  1. 1.  (Jan 08, 2025) The interview was easier than I expected. I found it easier than my private pilot checkride. The interview started with being introduced to another first officer with the company, then just a few HR questions about myself. Next, I was asked about high-density altitudes, XC planning, and hypoxia. Finally, I was asked to brief the ILS 17 into PHKO. After briefing, I was asked why the MSA if coming from the East was so high-- there's a large mountain to the east. Overall, it was a very... Continue reading this interview experience..

  2. 2.  (Oct 17, 2024) HR interview very friendly, hit it off and was casual and get to know you! Technical was brief the PHKO ILS 17 plate, performance and density altitude question. Also CO poisoning symptoms and diversion considerations. A lot of straight forward questions in the technical portion. Try to relax, know your stuff and study! It's over Zoom they are very nice and want you to succeed! Just getting the interview is the hardest... Continue reading this interview experience..

Study Guide Questions for Your Southern Air Interview:

  1. 1. (Aug 02, 2024) Tell me about an emergency experience you've had?
    • I had lost comms. Had issues with the nav circuit breaker and went to the nearest airport which happened to be uncontrolled and circled around till I confirmed the pattern was clear and landed. Had a friend get a handheld radio for me and flew back to home base.
  2. 2. (Aug 07, 2024) Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
  3. 3. (Jul 22, 2024) How did you prepare for the interview today?
  4. 4. Brief an ils
    • Make sure to mention the msa- I was then asked what a msa provides (1,000 ft unless otherwise depicted)
  5. 5. If you’re on a normal glide slope of 3 degrees and speed is 140 Kts- what should your VSI be?
    • 700 fpm
  6. 6. (Aug 07, 2024) How long is a TAF valid for a what area is a TAF effective for
    • 24 or 30 hours, 5NM from the airport.
  7. 7. Tell me a time you were stressed.
  8. 8. (Aug 02, 2024) What do you need in order to land when at the DH/MDA?
    • FAR 91.175(c) states you need three requirements: - be able to make a descent to a landing using normal maneuvers, at a normal descent rate, - flight visibility must meet or exceed the minimums published for the approach, - you must see one of the approved visual references for the runway environment: The approach light system’s red terminating bars, or red side row bars (on ALSF-1 and ALSF-2) The runway threshold The threshold lights The runway end identifier lights The visual approach slope indicator (VASI or PAPI) The touchdown zone or touchdown zone markings The touchdown zone lights The runway or runway markings The runway lights
  9. 9. (Aug 07, 2024) Tell me about your self.
    • Be honest.
  10. 10. (Jul 22, 2024) What is your best quality as a pilot?
    • Calm when under pressure.

Pilot interviewing trend at Southern Air

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