PSA Airlines Cadet Program

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Interview Experiences From PSA Airlines Cadet Program Pilot Interviews :

  1. 1.  (Jan 16, 2025) My PSA Cadet Technical Interview panel consisted of two members: a First Officer and a Captain. The First Officer was the one asking all of the questions, while the Captain remained mostly silent but observant throughout the process. The interview was fast-paced and intense, with no time for second-guessing; you found out on the spot if you passed or not. To prepare, I focused heavily on Jeppesen charts, particularly for DCA (Washington National) and Charlotte (CLT), as these are important... Continue reading this interview experience..

  2. 2.  (Jan 14, 2025) Interview took place over Microsoft Teams with two FO’s based out of CLT. Both were friendly and relaxed during the HR portion which only lasted about 10 minutes. Most of the questions were just geared around getting to know you on a personal level. Finding out if your personality would be a fit inside of the flight deck. (Tip: any questions asked about handling interactions between crew members. Answer attempting to resolve yourself, this will earn you respect.) Not much pause... Continue reading this interview experience..

Study Guide Questions for Your PSA Airlines Cadet Program Interview:

  1. 1. (Feb 06, 2025) If you're told to descend and maintain an altitude on a STAR do you have to comply with altitude and airspeed restrictions?
    • Comply with stated altitude restriction, comply with published airspeed restrictions
  2. 2. (Jan 09, 2025) Where do you see the airline industry in 10 years?
    • Bigger and more efficient
  3. 3. (Mar 22, 2025) How many hours do you have ?
    • 300 TT
    • 1190
  4. 4. (Mar 22, 2025) Are you legal to work in the US?
  5. 5. (Mar 22, 2025) What is a type of hypoxia?
    • Hypoxic hypoxia: Not sufficient air available around. Hypemic hypoxia: Not enough blood to carry oxygen (i.e. bleeding) or hemoglobin not able to chemically bind oxygen. Stagnant hypoxia: Lung not able to send oxygen to cells (i.e. due to shock, high altitude, or cold) Histotoxic hypoxia: Cells compromised and not able to accept oxygen (i.e. due to alcohol or drug use).
  6. 6. (Mar 24, 2025) Why do you want to work for PSA?
    • Growing company, great pay, benefits. Etc
    • I said I chose PSA because the CRJ is my favorite regional jet (because it is) and that I wanted to be able to flow to American, and PSA was the only one that could give me both. I forgot to mention the PSA way, something that has resonated with me since I started researching the company.
  7. 7. (Mar 22, 2025) Have you ever failed a checkride, if so please explain?
    • I failed my private pilot Checkride during the flight portion on my short field landing. I encountered a gust and did not put the proper crosswind correction and ultimately missed my point. Though it was discouraging at the time, it ended up teaching me a valuable lesson. I will be able to carry with me throughout my career.
  8. 8. (Mar 16, 2025) What is the 1 2 3 rule?
    • To determine if an alternate is needed. Weather 1 hour before and after planned arrival time is forecasted to have at least 2000' foot ceilings and 3 SM of visibility. If weather is below these mins then an alternate is needed to file.
    • When the destination airport weather is less than 2,000ft ceiling, less than 3SM visibility within 1 hour before and after ETA, you have to file an alternate airport.
  9. 9. (Mar 24, 2025) Fly by vs fly over waypoints
    • Make sure you know the symbols on the Jeppesen chart. Fly-by allows to lead the turn prior to reaching waypoint, Fly-over requires you to fly over waypoint then turn.
    • Fly-by waypoint: a waypoint where the pilot is required to use turn anticipation to avoid an overshoot of the next flight leg segment. Fly-over waypoint: a waypoint where it precludes any turn until after that waypoint is overflown and is followed by an intercepting maneuver into the next flight segment.
  10. 10. (Mar 24, 2025) Asked about a taxi diagram and asked what were the concerns from given taxi instructions he gave me.
    • KCLT, stay cautious with HOT SPOT on taxi route, make sure you obtain clearance to cross runway.
    • Be ready to explain hotspots, airport reference point (ARP), wind socks and airport beacon
    • Identify hotspots on the taxi route, check runway crossing clearance, and locate ARP, wind sock, and beacon.

What types of things will be asked in a Simulator or Scenario exercise?

  1. (Jan 19, 2025)  My technical interview started out reading a meter for KDCA, asked what would be some concerns for departure. We talked through those, and they asked if we would need a take off alternate and what a take off alternate is. Next they had me read a TAF, they give you the ETA in Zulu time so no need to worry about conversions. After reading the TAF they asked if we would need an alternate. We talked about our take off minimums,...Continue reading simulator / scenario information..

  2. (Jan 19, 2025)  I was given a scenario flight from DCA to CLT. I was then asked to decode a METAR & TAF. We discussed the WX condition for departure and arrival. All concerns, and if takeoff/destination alternates were required. Have a solid understanding of 14...Continue reading simulator / scenario information..

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