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Interview Experiences From FlightSafety Pilot Interviews :

  1. 1.  (Sep 05, 2024) Flight Safety International.  Sent in my on-line application on a Friday. By following Monday, I had an email inviting me to set up an initial telephone interview. After a few attempts, finally lined up the phone call with the Corporate Recruiter. Phone call was very relaxed and straight forward. She asked me some basic background questions, then asked me “Why Flight Safety?” She told me that there were two slots they were hiring for, Pilot Instructor for the G550 or... Continue reading this interview experience..

  2. 2.  My overall experience was unusual in that I basically "gave up" on the process getting started several times because it was taking so long. About 8 weeks after I applied, I finally got a "screening" call from a 3rd party company.  It was about a 15 minute call. They asked things like "why FlightSafety", "What do you think makes a good instructor". Turns out this company was just a short term "fix" they were using while they were... Continue reading this interview experience..

Study Guide Questions for Your FlightSafety Interview:

  1. 1. (Aug 27, 2024) Tell me about a time that you had a student that was having training issues?
  2. 2. (Oct 10, 2024) Tell me about yourself.
  3. 3. (Aug 27, 2024) What has been your past work experience?
  4. 4. (Aug 27, 2024) Describe what a great customer experience means to you.
  5. 5. (Aug 27, 2024) Why FlightSafety?
    • Good tip here: study up on the company. Don't throw out the entire year-by-year timeline, but know a few important things about it. They WILL ask, and they will definitely appreciate you having a little my case, I think it made up for not being the absolute best in the tech portion.
    • Flight Safety is a long-time flight training provider founded in 1951. Flight Safety added their first full motion simulator in 1962. In 1977 Flight Safety bought two sim manufactures so that FSI could build sims to their own sims to their exact specifications.

Pilot interviewing trend at FlightSafety

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