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Interview Experiences From Endeavor Air Pilot Interviews :

  1. 1.  (Nov 25, 2024) Was flown in the day before and stayed at a hotel near the Mall of America. The next morning took the 7:15 shuttle to the office building. Was greeted by someone from HR and brought to a conference room where she told us how the day would go, then collected the documents that were asked for in the email. Make sure you are organized with your document and your logbook is in a neat order. After that we were given a 30 minute presentation on the company and some of the benefits. We then were... Continue reading this interview experience..

  2. 2.  (Nov 12, 2024) This website prepared me very very for the interview. Phone screening was very cordial, less than 20 minutes of a phone call. Offered on-site interview, due to work commitments & still being active duty Military, I needed to delay the in-person interview for about 4 weeks from the phone interview date. No problems from them & they accommodated the request. Received email details for in person interview & requirements. Initially felt like I needed to have a lot of paperwork &... Continue reading this interview experience..

Study Guide Questions for Your Endeavor Air Interview:

  1. 1. (Oct 24, 2024) Tell me about a time you dealt with a difficult captain, and any difficult coworkers?
  2. 2. (May 27, 2024) Tell me about at time of how you demonstrated one of Endeavor Airlines values.
    • I chose to discuss safety.
    • Safety, Customer Service, Teamwork, Determination, Integrity, Respect
  3. 3. (Apr 05, 2024) Since you were previously a flight instructor, how many students did you have and what were your students' pass rate?
    • I had over 20 students I signed off for their checkrides and all but one passed on their first try.
  4. 4. (Jul 28, 2024) Tell me about your entire history of flight training, including any failures.
    • Be honest. Don't lie about it. If you have failed anything then speak up and give your side of the story. I have had a failure and I explain what happened and I always finish with what I learnt from it. I can guarantee the recruiters will appreciate your honesty and integrity. If you lie chances are you will be found out and miss out on the job.
  5. 5. (Apr 24, 2024) How would you enter the hold on the missed?
    • Teardrop, parrallel, or direct depending on your direction to the missed approach hold on the plate you are using
  6. 6. (Dec 04, 2024) Tell us about your aviation career.
    • Part 61 across the board
    • Described military flight training in detail from IFS at Pensacola thru winging and fleet time with deployments. None of the interviewers had military experience. They loved it.
  7. 7. (Jul 23, 2024) Tell us about your education.
    • Talked about where I went to college.
  8. 8. (Oct 24, 2024) Read METAR and TAF
    • METAR had RVR that I was unfamiliar with: 4500VP6000 Which meant RVR 4500 feet variable (V) to greater than (P) 6000 feet.
    • Then he says we are ariving at such and such time, what weather can we expect. (hands me a TAF). Another very easy TAF to read, nothing crazy. He then asked if I would need an alternate. I was stupid and just shouted yes instead of explaining my reasoning. He asked why we would need the alternate so I walked him through the 123 rule. (Ceiling was too low). Next he had me brief a very simple ILS into DFW (ILS 35C). Gave me the choice of Jepp or Govt charts. Be sure to ask "do you have any questions, comments or concerns about this approach?" I didn't tell him how we were going to enter the hold if we went missed so he just asked after I said that. I responded with "great question, it will be a parallel entry with a left turn on the protected side to bring us back around for the inbound intercept" (Role playing a little). He was satisfied with that and that was the end of the interview.
  9. 9. (Apr 10, 2024) Holding speed limitations?
    • Below 6000ft MSL= 200 KIAS 6,001ft-14,000ft MSL= 230 KIAS 14,001ft MSL and up= 265 KIAS
  10. 10. (Oct 10, 2024) When do you need an alternate airport?
    • 123 Rule one hour before, to one after your ETA, 2000 feet agl, or, 1500 above the HAT, whichever is higher, and 3 miles visibility, or 2 miles above the straight in minimums, whichever is greater.

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