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Interview Experiences From Cape Air Pilot Interviews :

  1. 1.  (Dec 10, 2024) I interviewed with Caroline via Teams. She was great very relaxed. Told me about how the interview would go and then her background and role in the company. Then asked me to tell her about myself. Then a few HR and TMAAT questions, (view the study guide of this website).  Overall all of the intro and questions took about 25 minutes of our 45 minute intro. Then she spent the next 20 minutes explaining how the company works and answering my questions.everything from these reports is spot... Continue reading this interview experience..

  2. 2.  (Nov 01, 2024) The interview went exactly as the previous descriptions went. On the call I introduced myself, they introduced their selves. They asked a couple "tell me about a time questions"...when I disagreed with a coworker or manager, when I received criticism for my performance, when I critiqued a student and how I handled it if I would change anything. I talked about my past check rides; I explained my discrepancies. No FAA violations, no arrests on record. I was asked about how a... Continue reading this interview experience..

Study Guide Questions for Your Cape Air Interview:

  1. 1. (Oct 05, 2024) Tell about a time you had to exercise your authority as PIC?
    • Diversion to another airport because the weather was worse than expected
  2. 2. (Mar 30, 2025) If you were in a multi engine and one engine quit shortly after takeoff what are the steps? Would you declare an emergency?
    • 5 ups/ identify/ verify/ feather/ return for landing he's looking for yes
  3. 3. (Feb 01, 2025) Have you ever failed any stage checks?
    • Yes I have. (Continue to explain the failure and tell the how you have learned and overcome)
  4. 4. (Feb 10, 2025) What is Vyse?
    • best rate of climb single engine inoperative
  5. 5. (Mar 29, 2025) What are your engine failure procedures?
    • pitch to blue line maintain airspeed over altitude, try restart, look for a place to land
    • Mixture/Prop/Throttle: Full forward Gear/Flaps: Check up Maintain blueline or higher Identify: Dead foot Verify: Close suspected throttle Checklist
  6. 6. (Jul 09, 2024) How can you help Cape Air?
    • Be safe, courteous, professional, and go the extra mile for the customers.
  7. 7. Have you completed your ATP written? What was your score?
    • Yes, 92%
  8. 8. (Oct 03, 2024) Can you tell me in basic terms how a turbocharger works?
    • Turbos allow the engine to maintain a rated HP up to a higher altitude because it compresses intake air. It is driven by exhaust gases and its RPM is regulated by the wastegate.
  9. 9. (Dec 04, 2024) Why Cape Air?
    • Small company with a feeling of family.
    • Because the company has a lot of respect to customers and employees and it can give me the opportunity to grow and improve my career.
    • I became fascinated with the kind of operation Cape does. A lot of hand flying, beautiful landscape and a challenge mix of weather operations makes me very excited. I also appreciate the type of administration that make the co workers to act like a family.
  10. 10. What is the first indication of a tail stall?
    • Tailplane stalls most often, but not always occur when flaps are being extended, or power is being added. One should also note, that if wings are picking up ice, the tail is likely to do so as well, in fact perhaps 2-3X as much as the wing… and sadly, its not visible to the pilot. In any case, if the potential exists for tail icing, one should be hand flying, rather than relying on the autopilot. Yoke forces are key. Symptoms include Lightening loads. Difficulty trimming. Pilot-induced (pitch) oscillations. Buffets in yoke, not airframe. (The yoke pulls forward, sometimes smashing to the stop and can’t be pulled back; forces of more than 100 lbs. can occur.) Very sudden pitch-down, which can be unrecoverable on approach. Do note, that stall warning systems can also end up iced over, and as such may not function.
    • You shouldn't be flying an aircraft in KNOWN ICING CONDITIONS unless the proper certifications are In The OP's Specs, and the Aircraft is equipped with deice and anti icing equipment. Part 135.227, (b) to start. Also 91.31(a). AC 91-51 is also a good read. Most of all, read Part 91.527 "Operating in Icing conditions". Do not be compromised by a pushy Flight Department. It is your Pilot Certificate, not theirs. You have worked too hard at your skills and craft to compromise now. As a PIC you have the authority to go or no go. Safety should always be the overriding factor in your decisions. If the Tail Stalls first or too! This discussion is irrelevant. You shouldn't ever be in this situation.

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