Air Wisconsin Airlines

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Interview Experiences From Air Wisconsin Airlines Pilot Interviews :

  1. 1.  (Sep 06, 2024) Really laid back interview overall. I did the interview on Teams and it lasted maybe 20 minutes. HR was first and asked about my leadership style, how I'll handle the training, and why I wanted to come to Air Wisconsin. The next portion was related to flying and I was asked how I would handle an engine fire. I stepped through the procedures as I would execute them with my current airline including the decision process on diverting. The interviewer asked how I would explain the diversion to... Continue reading this interview experience..

  2. 2.  (Jul 02, 2024) Very conversational and laid back. No trick questions and all very informal. Met with the manager of pilot hiring, and two recruiters. Introductions were first then right into the interview, (view the study guide of this website).  You’re taxiing out for departure, what are you doing, walk me through your process. Any questions you have for the job? In total I was in the office for 45 minutes including the interview and fingerprinting. They offer both in person interview or... Continue reading this interview experience..

Study Guide Questions for Your Air Wisconsin Airlines Interview:

  1. 1. (Jan 02, 2025) What got you into flying?
  2. 2. What would you do with an unruly passenger that can't be contained by the only FA?
    • Employ CRM: Make a PA asking passengers to assist the FA.
  3. 3. What would you do if the captain's lips were turning blue and there's condensation on the windscreen?
  4. 4. What takeoff flap settings are appropriate for a CRJ2?
    • Flaps at 8 or 20 degrees
  5. 5. What is the maximum takeoff weight of a CRJ200?
    • 53000
  6. 6. Holding airspeeds: 0-6k, 6-14k, 14k
    • 200, 230, 265kts
  7. 7. Know what a hot spot is and how it is depicted on Jepp Airport Plan View.
    • It is depicted with red circles.
  8. 8. (Jun 01, 2024) What do you see yourself doing in 10 yrs?
    • Supervising operations for the airlines
    • Working for my dream airlines.
  9. 9. What are 3 things you can bring to Air Wisconsin?
    • I will be a dedicated pilot, good team player and great in customer service.
    • I will bring safety, undivided dedication to the success of the company and I will provide the best customer service.
  10. 10. (Jan 02, 2025) Why do you want to work for Air Wisconsin?
    • A very structured training environment and a good place to grow.
    • AWAC has a good reputation and stable employment and is a company that cares about safety and customers.

Pilot interviewing trend at Air Wisconsin Airlines

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