Air Transport International
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Interview Experiences From Air Transport International Pilot Interviews :
1. (Jun 13, 2024) Saw an ad regarding a two-day recruiting event to be held in Central Florida this month. Sent my resume a week prior to the scheduled event to their recruiting department and within 48 hours got a prescreening phone interview. Interview date was set for in the afternoon at a designated hotel at Lake Buena Vista, FL. I live in Florida, so I drove. I was met by a panel of three ATI representatives. Topics covered: TAAT (use the Situation, Action, Result, Reaction technique), tell me about... Continue reading this interview experience..
2. This is the most difficult interview I have done. First they do a phone screening. This person gave me a few details and asked if I wanted to set up an interview. I said yes of course. Next she sent two emails for my actual interview. The first is 45 mins of TMAAT, why ATI, and why should we hire you. I was able to complete this portion in 30 mins. The second email is for a technical portion and it's another 45 mins. They do a flight scenario DEN-HOU and there is an alternate that I don't... Continue reading this interview experience..
Study Guide Questions for Your Air Transport International Interview:
- 1. (Mar 22, 2025) When did you go above and beyond for a coworker?
- 2. What is the reliable coverage of a Localizer?
- 18 NM up to 10 degrees either side of the runway
- 18 nautical miles (NM) within 10° of the course centerline, and 10 NM within 35° of the centerline.
- 3. (Feb 18, 2025) What are the IFR domestic fuel requirements?
- Fly to destination, shoot the approach, go to the most distant alternate and fly after that for 45 minutes.
- 4. What are the minimum 121 take off requirements?
- One and two engines, one-mile visibility (1 mile) -Three or more engines: one-half mile visibility (1/2 mile)
- (2) One and two engines, one-mile visibility (1 mile) -Three or more engines: one-half mile visibility (1/2 mile)
- 5. How far out can you legally intercept a VOR?
- 25 NM
- High-altitude VORs: Can be used up to 130 nautical miles away at high altitudes. Low-altitude VORs: Typically usable up to 40 nautical miles. Terminal VORs: Have the shortest range, usually around 25 nautical miles.
- 6. How do you calculate fuel to your alternate?
- Burn off from present position to alternate airport. Add in any alternate fuel you have from release, plus reserve fuel. If you’re going to your destination first then burn off to destination alternate fuel reserve fuel.
- Alternate fuel is the amount of fuel required from the missed approach point at the destination aerodrome until landing at the alternate aerodrome.
- Alternate fuel is calculated using specific speeds, cost index, routing and altitude criteria.
- Alternate fuel includes * Fuel for missed approach and climb to missed approach altitude * Fuel to climb from missed approach altitude to the cruise altitude to the destination airport. This should include the applicable SIDs. * Fuel to cruise from top of climb to top of descent. * Fuel from top of descent to initial approach fix or where the approach for landing begins. This should include expected STARs on the alternate airport. * Fuel to perform approach and landing on the alternate airport.
- 7. (Mar 22, 2025) Why should we hire you?
- I'm very difficult to out work, and I take a lot of pride in being good at my job.
- I take pride in doing an excellent job. I'm very detail oriented. I'm very enthusiastic about flying airplanes.
- 8. (Oct 21, 2024) Why do you want to work here?
- Stable, growing company.
- ATI is a well established and stable company with a lot of growth potential. Plus they have 757's and 767's!
- Great culture - goal oriented, mission oriented and family oriented. ATI also contribute to charity by raising funds and well established with solid foundation and opportunity to grow within.
- 9. (Oct 21, 2024) Can you and your family tolerate the 17 days on the road?
- We’re looking forward to it.
- Yes. Kids are all grown up and the wife no longer wants to work.
- 10. (Feb 18, 2025) Do you have any failures, accidents, incidents, violations? they want you to share the experience.
- Be honest.
- I am not sure if they were considered failures because I didn't receive a pink slip but I did have to retest on the multi-engine check ride. I honestly do not remember what was deficient. The one I do remember is my commercial single engine. Again, I didn't receive a pink slip but I do recall the DPE asking me to land the plane since I did not comprehend what he was asking me to do. During the failed landing gear extension procedure, I did not pull the circuit breaker thus killing the power to the gear so when I went to extend the gear, they of course kept coming down. He grew frustrated and asked me to retrain with my CFI this technique.
What types of things will be asked in a Simulator or Scenario exercise?
Then was the technical portion with two retired ATI captains who were truly thrilled to be talking to you. Flight was from DEN-IAH, read back a clearance, give them a progressive taxi, takeoff brief: prior to 80kts, 80kts-V1, after V1. Always close a brief with "do you have anything to add" to demonstrate solid CRM. The departure was the EXTAN7 and they want to know what altitude you would put in the altitude sector (top altitude on the...Continue reading simulator / scenario information..
The technical portion of the interview was also scheduled for 45 minutes and was with a former ATI Chief Pilot. Really nice man. Basically it was chair flying from Cincinnati (CVG) to Atlanta (ATL). We started with the airport diagram and the aircraft on the Southeastern most ramp. He gave me a callsign and had me call for...Continue reading simulator / scenario information..
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