1. Describe a time where you made a mistake or were scared and how you reacted and what you learned from experience.
    •   Too heavy landing on the forward part of an aircraft carrier and running out of power. Concentrated on the... Continue reading this answer
  2. Describe a time you had a disagreement with Captain and what you did, how it was resolved?
    • What is your previous aviation experience ?
      • What is your current flying job?
        • Describe a conflict with a previous passenger and how you helped the situation.
          • What do you know about Surf Air?
            • Why do you believe you're a good fit?
            • Tell me about a time you went above and beyond for a customer?
              • Either professionally or personal, what is your biggest achievement?
                • Why Surf Air?
                  There are more questions for Surf Air!
                  1. Why Tradewind?
                  2. Did you review our website?
                  3. If you viewed our website, what routes did you see?
                    •   Northeast USA Westchester, NY- White Plains airport (HPN) to Nantucke (ACK), Martha's Vineyard(MVY) Terteboro, NJ ... Continue reading this answer
                  4. Have you ever been fired from a job?
                  5. Have you had a conflict with an employee?
                    •   no
                  6. How would you handle a conflict with an employee?
                  7. Have you had any DUI's or violation, accidents, etc?
                    •   no
                  8. In Class E Airspace, above 10,000 what are the weather minimums?
                  9. What is pre-ignition?
                  10. What do you need to depart from an uncontrolled field?
                  There are more questions for TradeWind Aviation!
                  1. When would you need a takeoff alternate?
                    •   Weather below landing mini... Continue reading this answer
                    •   § 121.617 Alternate airport for departure. (a) If the weather conditions at the airport of takeoff are below the landing minimums in the certificate holder's operations specifications for that airport, no person may dispatch or release an aircraft from that airport unless the dispatch or flight release specifies an alternate airport located within the following distances from the airport of takeoff: (1) Aircraft having two engines. Not more than one hour from the departure airport at normal cruising speed in still a... Continue reading this answer
                    •   When VISIBILITY at departure time is less than landing mi... Continue reading this answer
                  2. What are the requirements for a takeoff alternate?
                  3. What is tower's NORDO light gun signal to be cleared to land?
                  4. Tell us about a time when you had a problem with a subordinate.
                  5. Tell us about a time when you didn't hit it off with someone that you have flow with.
                  6. What would you consider to be the high point of your career so far?
                  7. What other airlines have you applied to?
                    •   None
                  8. Have you heard from anyone else?
                  9. What would you do if another company called in six months?
                  10. How did you prepare for this interview?
                  There are more questions for United Airlines!
                  1. If ground speed is 120kts how long will it take to get to alternate airport that is 100 nm away?
                    •   50 minutes
                  2. What is the max holding airspeed/altitudes?
                  3. Tell me about a time that you did something creative to solve a problem.
                    •   Had an incident in flight and had ... Continue reading this answer
                    •   In flight it is better to expect the unexpected rather than to count on everything going smoothly. It is important to be alert at all times and to be ready to handle unexpected situations when they do occur. S- situation: simulated engine failure in flight T- task: make proper corrections using the dead foot technique and... Continue reading this answer
                  4. Tell me about a time you went above and beyond to help a coworker.
                  5. Tell me about a time when you didn’t get along with someone and how you addressed it.
                    •   I had to fly with a PIC whose ego was bigger than the plane. I gave him assistance whenever it was d... Continue reading this answer
                    •   Communication is key. If you are frustrated with someone there is a good chance that they are feeling frustrated too. Try ... Continue reading this answer
                  6. What does climb via mean?
                  7. If ATC says to climb to 17000 while on the SID do you still have to abide by the crossing restrictions?
                    •   No
                  8. What is a fly by point vs a fly over waypoint?
                    •   A fly over point is a point that is on the approach procedure and it is a point at which must be crossed prior to making any turns where a ... Continue reading this answer
                  9. What does descend via mean?
                  10. Would you chose to do the right thing instead of doing the wrong thing even though you knew you could get away with it?
                    •   Was not asked this question, instead, tell me about a time you though... Continue reading this answer
                    •   Integrity is one of the most important traits of a person. I hold myself to very high moral standards. If you aren't going to so something right you should not be doing that thing at all. S- situation: at western we have different gates we use to enter the airport. It is very important everyone abides by the rules of entering the gates because it is a way for tower to monitor the traffic coming in. T- task: people sometimes avoid going... Continue reading this answer
                  There are more questions for United Airlines Aviate!
                  1. What is V1?
                    •   The maximum speed in the takeoff at which the pilot must take the first action (e.g., apply brakes, reduce thrust, deploy speed brakes) to stop the airplane within the accelerate-stop distance. V1?Also the mi... Continue reading this answer
                  2. Why do you want to work at UPS?
                  3. Do you have any family members or direct relatives that work for UPS?
                    •   NO
                  4. At your airline have you flown any UPS trips?
                  5. What makes a person difficult to work with?
                    •   Usually it's caused by current circumstances in their life, like problems with a spouse or children, or family illnesses. Other causes could be a lack of rest. Most people that I hav... Continue reading this answer
                    •   I believe it's a combination of personality and a wide range of issues, problems and stress in a person's life. A personality may have certain quirks that may be annoying, but I have not had any... Continue reading this answer
                  6. How do you handle working with a difficult co-worker?
                    •   Usually, there's always a personal problem that makes people difficult to get along with. I would gently try and find out the problem through casual convers... Continue reading this answer
                  7. Have you ever had an airborne emergency?
                    •   Yes, thankfull, the aircaft I fly is very reliable. I did, however have a loss of cabin pressurization about a year ago. Fortunately, we wear oxygen masks, so the primary part of maki... Continue reading this answer
                  8. Tell me about an emergency where everything worked out well.
                    •   I had an APU fire emergency in DCA. We landed, taxied to the gate, parked and then began the deplaning process. During the deplaning we began to smell some serious fumes and the plane began to make loud popping noise. when I went to investigate by looking out the jet bridge window I saw sparks, smoke, and flames shooting out the tailpipe. I ran... Continue reading this answer
                  9. What have these people told you about the positives of working for UPS?
                    • What have these people told you about the negatives or downside of working for UPS?
                      There are more questions for United Parcel Service!

                      Above is a list of questions asked during pilot interviews. These questions can be used to help you prepare for an interview. The answers contained within these questions may NOT be correct, so do your own research! We make no guarantees as to the accuracy or completeness of any question or answer.