1. Tell me about a time you got into a conflict with another crew member.
    •   We were ready to depart and the captain came in late, on his arrival he was yelling at everyone to get the airplane loaded. I specifically did not appreciate that we were suddenly being rushed just to make up for his late arrival. The way he handled the conversation with the flight attendant was very unprofessional because he used abusive words towards her. In the... Continue reading this answer
  2. You're at 7000 feet and cleared into a hold - What's your max speed?
  3. How would you contact your company over the North Atlantic?
  4. Do you have any violations?
  5. Why Southern Air?
  6. What do you think the hardest thing will be for you if you get hired by Southern Air?
  7. Why do you want to work for Southern Air?
  8. Explain how to enter MAP hold.
    • What would you do if the Captain is drunk or smells of alcohol?
    • Have you had any accidents?
      •   No
    There are more questions for Southern Air!
    1. Tell me about a time CRM was not up to par.
      •   On a recent flight I didn't ask for the shutd... Continue reading this answer
      •   Departing from an uncontrolled field and was cleared by ATC on course after departure. The F/O and I did not talk about the exact clearance all I knew is w... Continue reading this answer
      •   On a very recent flight, no after landing checklist was done (I asked for it, but was taxiing through a tight area and didn't verify it was done), and ... Continue reading this answer
    2. Tell me about a time that you were counseled. (this does not have to be negative, used a good story here)
      •   Prior to my wife and I getting married we went to marriage counseling the less... Continue reading this answer
      •   This was a positive experience. I was called into my chief pilots office and was told by him that he heard a rumor that I had an interview with another airline. He said that he wanted to make sure that I got the job and he was going to write... Continue reading this answer
      •   During my time at the naval academy,when... Continue reading this answer
      •   My friend who became a pilot supervisor with Gama was giving me motivation to keep up the good work. He was hearing my name being pa... Continue reading this answer
      •   The last few months ive been asking captains and FAs to advise me on anything they see prudent for a captain to have in their toolbag. One captain in particular spent the whole four day trip giving my feedback whether i made a mistake or something I performed nicely. We discussed engine out scenarios, in particular. We talked through differ... Continue reading this answer
    3. Tell me about a time you had to use patience.
    4. Tell me about a challenging flight.
      •   I was paired with my pilot supervisor for a tour and we picked up a customer known for, being late, rushing crews, and getting upset easily. We were traveling internationally and her husband brought a new passport that didn't match what we had on file. In addition... Continue reading this answer
    5. Why SWA?
    6. Tell me about a time your work schedule had to change?
      •   I was on a day trip. After dropping off the passenger, we were told my dispatch that our trip would extend by a couple of days. We had to reposition to another city... Continue reading this answer
    7. Tell me about a time fuel was an issue.
    8. Tell me about a time someone tried to get you to break the rules.
    9. Tell me about a time when you disagreed with a superior what did you do?
      •   The director of maintenance MEL'd smoke in the cockpit by stating it was a rheostat. It very obviously was not and he was panicked trying to make the schedule. I refused to fly the aircraft and informed the r... Continue reading this answer
    10. Tell me about a time you made a quick decision?
    There are more questions for Southwest Airlines!
    1. How fast do you have to fly from HNL-SYD to never see the sun set?
    2. When do VOR's switch from magnetic to true north.
      •   82N
      •   When the aircraft enters the polar region it will auto switch to TRU. The pilot can also select TRU when outs... Continue reading this answer
      •   82N 60S
    3. Have you ever failed a checkride?
    4. What are your career goals?
    5. What else interests you besides flying?
    6. How would your friends describe you?
    7. When was the last time you called in sick?
    8. Did you call in sick to make it to the interview?
      •   No.
      •   yes
    9. Have you ever lied?
      •   Yes
      •   No
    10. Have you ever stolen anything?
    There are more questions for Spirit Airlines!
    1. Tell me about yourself?
      • How did you get interested in aviation?
        • Do you have any checkride failures or FAA violations?
          • What do you like to do outside of aviation?
            • Tell me about a time you made a mistake as a pilot?
              • What is CRM?
                • What is a hotspot, how does it look on a JEPP plate?
                  1. How did you get into aviation?
                  2. Tell us about your work history and your resume.
                  3. Why do you want to work for Sun Country?
                  4. What do you like about your current employer?
                  5. What do you dislike about your current employer?
                  6. Where do I see myself in 5 years?
                  7. Where do I see myself in 10 years?
                  8. Have you had any any accidents, incidents, violations?
                  9. Have you had any failed checkrides?
                  10. Would you be interested in being a check airman again in the future?
                  There are more questions for Sun Country!

                  Above is a list of questions asked during pilot interviews. These questions can be used to help you prepare for an interview. The answers contained within these questions may NOT be correct, so do your own research! We make no guarantees as to the accuracy or completeness of any question or answer.