- What is your Total Flight Time?
- What ratings do you have?
- When did you fly last?
- What is your total time in the last 6 months?
- What is your total time in the last 12 months?
- What class medical do you have?
- When did you start flying?
- Why did you start flying?
- Wx goes below mins past the FAF, can you continue and when you would go missed.
- Describe TDZE
- Why do you want to work here?
- Crew domicile located in FL, w... Continue reading this answer
- The Captain wants to fly with IN-OP tail light, what would you do?
- Tell him let's see if ... Continue reading this answer
- check ... Continue reading this answer
- Tell us about your background.
- Got started in aviation after college. Went to AZ to get my ratings and can back to my home town where I ... Continue reading this answer
- How many required 24 hour rest period does the company have to provide to crewmembers per quarter
- minimum of 13 rest... Continue reading this answer
- What's the strongest point / quality you bring to silver?
- The first officer is the second-in-command of the aircraft to the captain, who is the legal aircraft comma... Continue reading this answer
- Can you make the class that starts next week?
- No, I need at least 2 weeks notice for my current employer, they've been... Continue reading this answer
- Yes
- What is an First Officers job?
- FO is a captain in training. They need to know how to fly the pla... Continue reading this answer
- Have you had any failures?
- Tell your honest failures as concise as p... Continue reading this answer
- What would be your top 3 airlines?
- Frontier, Amer... Continue reading this answer
- In your career, what would have been the best day of your life?
- Getting... Continue reading this answer
- Tell me how you deal with stress at work?
- I deal with stress by taking enough rest before going for work and try to relax t... Continue reading this answer
- Do you plan to stay with Singapore Airlines for a long time?
- Are you okay with a 10 year wait on upgrade?
- Are you willing to accept the 737 to fly?
- Why did you leave your last employer?
- What would you do if you couldn't reach ATC enroute?
- What would you do if the warning system detected a cabin fire?
- call the flight purser, inform them asap. Ask them to report back to you asap. Contac... Continue reading this answer
- What are your memory items for airspeed unreliable?
- What are your windshear warning memory actions?
- If you are assigned higher alt. than the published MDA to intercept GS, where is FAF?
- Glide slope intercept a... Continue reading this answer
- Glide slop... Continue reading this answer
- lowest altitude on the intermediate segment of th... Continue reading this answer
- If you shoot the approach by doing Procedure turn where is FAF?
- established inbound on t... Continue reading this answer
- When a FAF is not designated, such as on an approach that incorporates an on-airport VOR or NDB, this point is typically where... Continue reading this answer
- Glide slope intercept ... Continue reading this answer
- If the VOR, which is being used for missed approach segment, is inoperative, is the approach still legal?
- Aeronautical Information Manual5-4-21. Missed Approach. Some locations may have a preplanned alternate missed approach procedure for use in the event the primary NAVAID used for the missed approach procedure is unavailable. The alternate missed approach may be based on NAVAIDs not used in the approach procedure or the primary missed approach. When the alternate missed approach procedure is implemented by NOTAM, it becomes a mandatory part of the procedure. The NOTAM will specify both the textual instructions and any additional equipment requirements necessary to complete the procedure. Air traffic may also issue instructions for the alterna... Continue reading this answer
- Well, that depends on the title of the approach. If the approach was titled VOR or GPS, then you may legally exec... Continue reading this answer
- AC 90-108 says you may substitute RNAV systems for conventional NAVAIDs without monitoring that NAVAID (except LOC). The catch is that if the segment flown is a final approach segment, you must monitor the underlying NAVAID and it must be operable, but nothing about missed approaches is specifically mentioned. The AC makes an example of flying a missed approach for an ILS using RNAV in lieu of an OTS VOR in the context of using GPS at alternates. Th... Continue reading this answer
- Specifical... Continue reading this answer
- no
- Why do you want to work for Sky West?
- SkyWest has the best reputation for integrity, financial s... Continue reading this answer
- SkyWest has proven itself over the last several years as the most culturally and financially stable regional airline in the United States. SkyWest's pilot training program has been acclaimed by major airline pi... Continue reading this answer
- Great company with a great reputation and p... Continue reading this answer
- I needed to apply variation to my career and as... Continue reading this answer
- Know several Skywest pilots. All love the company and the job. I want... Continue reading this answer
- I heard a lot about how First Officers are captains in training; This is the mentality that I want to e... Continue reading this answer
- It's the only re... Continue reading this answer
- They have the best reputation for excellent training. I want to fly t... Continue reading this answer
- I recently flew on a Skywest flight between EWR and MSP and was impressed by how professional and friendly the crew was on board. I... Continue reading this answer
- 1. Skywest is a non union company. 2. The pilot's I have talked to who commute and work for Skywest praise the quali... Continue reading this answer
- How often do you call in sick?
- About once ever... Continue reading this answer
- When I'm sick, I ... Continue reading this answer
- Never!
- Where do you see yourself in 3-5 years?
- Captain, a... Continue reading this answer
- They seem very comfortable in the fact that a lot of pilots will move on in 3-5 years, and they just want an honest answer). I said that I would like to be a ca... Continue reading this answer
- Ultimately, I'm looking for a stable and enjoyable career without hopping around too much. I am completely content with be... Continue reading this answer
- at Southwe... Continue reading this answer
- Captain at Skywest for somewhere at lega... Continue reading this answer
- Skywest Fi... Continue reading this answer
- A line check airman, sen... Continue reading this answer
- What is CRM?
- The systematic and effective use of all available resources to ensure a desirable outcome and completion of the flight. Focusing on communication, teamwork, task allocation... Continue reading this answer
- Crew Resource Management. Use all available reso... Continue reading this answer
- Crew Resource Managment. It's a systematic and effective approach... Continue reading this answer
- CRM stands for Crew Resource Management. What this means to me is the two pilots work together to safely complete the air mission. The crew cooperates together in the following aeronautical decision-making, communication, teamwork, task allocation, and situational awareness. Additionally the two pi... Continue reading this answer
- What do you know about Sky West?
- With over 13,000 aviation professionals operating more than 2,100 daily flights, SkyWest Airlines connects millions of passengers each month to 248 destinations across North America. SkyWest operates in partnership with Delta Air Lines, United Airlines, American Airlines and Alaska Airlines and has ... Continue reading this answer
- What did the stock close at the day before?
- SKYW o... Continue reading this answer
- What do you like to do when you're not flying?
- Say something fun and non-aviation related! They don't want to he... Continue reading this answer
- If you have a hobby you're passionate a... Continue reading this answer
- I like to troubleshoot and solve problems. ... Continue reading this answer
- I volunteer and serve the community without expecting anythin... Continue reading this answer
- spend quality time ... Continue reading this answer
- Snowboarding,hik... Continue reading this answer
- Describe the difference between a generator and an alternator.
- An alternator is a device that converts mechanical energy into AC electrical energy. A generato... Continue reading this answer
- Tell me about a time that you felt pressured to go.
- After performing a run-up during a discovery flight with a potential new student, I noticed excessive vibrations during the mag check. Therefore, I taxied the plane back to parking where the manager of the f... Continue reading this answer
- Tell me about a time that you had a conflict in the cockpit.
- I never ever had a conflict in the cockpit, definitely this is not the place fo... Continue reading this answer
- The only slight conflict I can think of is when I was teaching a commercial student Chandelles. The student kept doing them incorrectly, so I tried to show hi... Continue reading this answer
- Do you have any checkride failures?
- No
- What is your greatest strength?
- I am a ha... Continue reading this answer
- What is your weakness?
- Sometimes I push my kids too much, I wa... Continue reading this answer
- Sometimes I lack confidence, even in things I know I am strong at. The pressure of initial pe... Continue reading this answer
- What would be your biggest struggle in training?
- I think it was in my command upgrade, to... Continue reading this answer
- My biggest struggle in training would be to overcome... Continue reading this answer
- What would you do if the CA continued to take off after tower reported RVR below take off minimums?
- Reject Take ... Continue reading this answer
- What would you do if the First Officer showed up late, and then did not want to run any checklists before the flight, in flight, or after the flight?
- First talk to the FO. Ask why. Say we shall run the checklist and show ... Continue reading this answer
- I would probably have a discussion with the First Officer prior to flight while o... Continue reading this answer
- Why SkyWest?
- Skywest is a place to grow, le... Continue reading this answer
Above is a list of questions asked during pilot interviews. These questions can be used to help you prepare for an interview. The answers contained within these questions may NOT be correct, so do your own research! We make no guarantees as to the accuracy or completeness of any question or answer.
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