- Give 5 adjectives that best describe you as a person.
- Motivated, sociable, Responsib... Continue reading this answer
- What are your negative traits?
- What have you been doing in the last couple of weeks?
- What have you been doing the last month?
- What have you been doing the past year?
- What are you doing for a college education?
- What were my grades like currently?
- What were my grades like back in High School?
- Have you ever gotten a āCā in school?
- You are on the ILS at MDA or DH, what do you need to see to land?
- 1. Runway lights 2. Runway end identifier lights 3. Runway or runway markings 4. Visual glide slope identifier 5. Touchdown zone or... Continue reading this answer
- Can you tell us about your flying history and flying goals?
- I started all my flight training in Arizona. After my flight training, most of my flights were performed in Arizona with some cross-country flights to California, Nevada, New Mexico, and Texas. My multi-engine time building was done in Colorado. I started flight training because I wanted to see more... Continue reading this answer
- If you were offered another flying job would you leave Red Wing?
- I have no intentions to suddenly leave Red Wing just because I was offered another flying job. Even if was necess... Continue reading this answer
- Would signing a 12 month contract be an issue?
- Not a prob... Continue reading this answer
- Tell me a time you disagreed with a company policy?
- I have not disagreed with a company policy so far. If there would be an issue, I would try to find the company... Continue reading this answer
- Tell me a time you had conflict in the cockpit?
- I did not have any serious conflicts in the cockpit yet. However if there would be one, I would let go of the issue for the moment as long as it does no... Continue reading this answer
- What is the speed limit under a Class B shelf?
- 200 Knots
- What is the holding speed limit at FL260?
- 265 knots
- What is RVR, is it vertical or horizontal?
- Runway Visual R... Continue reading this answer
- Why do you want to leave your current employer?
- I would like to have more experience in the ... Continue reading this answer
- Why do you want to work for Red Wing Aviation?
- Advance career in aviation and to move to... Continue reading this answer
- I want to advance my career in aviation and m... Continue reading this answer
- Hold on the 060 bearing to the station. You are on the 090 bearing from the station. What is going to be your initial outbound leg?
- 240
- 240
- What is the MAP on a non-precision approach?
- Non-precision: MAP is usually visually identified by a capitol and bold "M" in the Jepps or at the end of the solid line on NOS.... Continue reading this answer
- DME fix, charted ti... Continue reading this answer
- Or station passage for VO... Continue reading this answer
- Super cooled water above when how do you know?
- Freezi... Continue reading this answer
- Ice pellets a... Continue reading this answer
- VDP, your MDA is 450 agl with a timed missed approach point of 3 minutes when will you start down?
- DME: divide the HAT by 300 and add/subtract (as required) to the... Continue reading this answer
- I assume you mean 450 ft. height above tdze and not AGL, but that's a subtle detail. In this case you would use the TIME method, so multiply 450 HAT by 10% for an answer of 45 seconds. Subtract 45 seconds from 3 minutes fo... Continue reading this answer
- What does an ILS provide?
- vertical and hor... Continue reading this answer
- Guidance, Range and... Continue reading this answer
- Vert/Lat guidance Rang... Continue reading this answer
- Takeoff distance and groundspeed when hot vs. cold?
- Hot, humid days can hold more water vapor (making the air less dense) than on a cold day. The less dense the air the greater the performance loss. The... Continue reading this answer
- On a hot humid day, the density altitude is considerably higher than normal. That mans that you will still take off and climb out at the same indicated airspeed, but your ground-speed will be considerably higher and your takeoff roll will be longer. Anyone who has... Continue reading this answer
- What happens to the IAS in the same scenario?
- It doesn... Continue reading this answer
- Taking off from Denver or Miami will indicated airspeed be greater, the same, or slower?
- the same
- Taking off from Denver or Miami what will the takeoff roll and groundspeed be?
- Denver= longer takeoff roll and higher groundspeed Miami= shorter take... Continue reading this answer
- Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit.
- F = C * 9/5 + 32 ... Continue reading this answer
- [(Cx2)-10%]+32=F ... Continue reading this answer
- What is your total time?
- 270
- 162
- Total ti... Continue reading this answer
- What stage of flight training are you in?
- cfi
- Describe the electrical system for the airplane you currently fly.
- 28 volt 60amp 24volt battery belt dr... Continue reading this answer
- If the alternator dies how long will your battery last?
- About 30 min temp... Continue reading this answer
- What is an MEL?
- Minimum Equ... Continue reading this answer
- Do you have a passport?
- What is a microburst?
- Strong downward and outward force o... Continue reading this answer
- Tell about a time you had to make a quick decision.
- flying practice approaches with a safety pilot. NAV radio became inop with no functioning GPS. I had to ... Continue reading this answer
- How would I handle a difficult crew member?
- Address the issue with the crew member. I would remain respectful and professional. I would mitigate the issue with the crew member and keep their vie... Continue reading this answer
- How I would handle a drunk crew member?
- do everything in my power to keep the crew member away from the aircraft if we have not yet boarded. Try and talk to the crew member and ask if he or she ha... Continue reading this answer
- What are the three ways to identify BECCA?
- What does the GS and altitude mean on the profile part of the instrument chart?
- Why Scenic?
- Are you hard to manage?
- What was the most irresponsible thing you've done flying?
- When have you bent the rules?
- Never
- Let's say the weather is reporting below minimums, your Captain tells you during your brief that upon arriving to the airport, he will drop below 50' below DH so that you can go home, what do you tell him?
- In the event the Captain is going to break regulations tell him that you will report him to the company. My answer was completely different. I wanted to give the Captain a chance to change his mind bef... Continue reading this answer
- What is VDP?
- It means visual... Continue reading this answer
- What's the purpose of VDP?
- It is a technique used to put yourself in a safe positio... Continue reading this answer
- How do you calculate VDP?
- To calculate your VDP distance, you take the HAT height above touchdown and divide it by 3. For example 400/3... Continue reading this answer
Above is a list of questions asked during pilot interviews. These questions can be used to help you prepare for an interview. The answers contained within these questions may NOT be correct, so do your own research! We make no guarantees as to the accuracy or completeness of any question or answer.
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