- Tell me about yourself.
- What got you interested in aviation?
- My dad owned airplan... Continue reading this answer
- How wide is the longest runway?
- Refer to ... Continue reading this answer
- Tell me about a thunderstorm.
- Describe the stages ... Continue reading this answer
- What is a microburst?
- it is 6000FMP and less t... Continue reading this answer
- How does a microburst affect airplane performance?
- Depending on the aircraft’s direction it can either severely effect airspeed and ... Continue reading this answer
- What is needed for the creation of a thunderstorm?
- Upward moving a... Continue reading this answer
- What is the highest obstacle on the approach plate?
- Look for bold arr... Continue reading this answer
- What are the holding speed restrictions?
- Below 6k feet 200kts, between 6,00... Continue reading this answer
- How many clicks on the mic would you do for low intensity pilot controlled lighting?
- 3
- Why Planesense with your level of flight experience?
- Because I hear PlaneSense is an excellent company, I think flying a PC-12 would be muc... Continue reading this answer
- because I hear Planesense is an excellent company. And flying a PC-12 w... Continue reading this answer
- Tell us about you experience overseas? What brought you there?
- well i have flew south america and mult... Continue reading this answer
- Do you have any questions?
- Make sure to ask questions at the end. It will tell the employer that you... Continue reading this answer
- Where is the FAF on a VOR/ILS approach?
- On a VOR approach, the FAP is whenever you are established on course inbound and the final decent may be started. For ... Continue reading this answer
- What is an initial approach fix? Point to all IAF's on the approach plate.
- point where initial a... Continue reading this answer
- What kind of approach lighting is available for that runway?
- Answer is based off of approach... Continue reading this answer
- If that is all you can see (approach lighting) at DH/MDA, what would/can you do?
- 100 ft above touchdown zone unless Runway ... Continue reading this answer
- missed approach unless you see red ter... Continue reading this answer
- What are the CDI/RAIM sensitivities of a GPS outside 30nm? Inside 30nm?
- +- 5 mi... Continue reading this answer
- What frequency do you use for clearance delivery?
- This was asked based off of the chart... Continue reading this answer
- How high you may climb in certain areas to avoid class c/b airspace.
- 4000 AGL for class C / 7... Continue reading this answer
- Know how to brief a Jepp plate
- Brief EVERYTHING! A good brief should include all items on a jepp chart, in the order t... Continue reading this answer
- What is Definition of V1
- Decision Spee... Continue reading this answer
- on a balance runway it is the last chance for you to decide not to go if yo... Continue reading this answer
- What are the minimum cloud and visibility requirements of Class C airspace?
- 3sm vis 1000 above / 500... Continue reading this answer
- On a GPS approach, _____ nm sensitivty is required at FAWP
- .3nm
- There is a question on the written test about sensitivity of GPS in the terminal mode. A... Continue reading this answer
- Localizers area of operation service volume is _____degrees at 10NM
- 35 degrees each s... Continue reading this answer
- The between 10 and 35 deg. answer is wrong!!! It goes from 0 to 35 deg. on each side of the centerline ... Continue reading this answer
- AIM 1-1-9 (5) states: To 10 degrees either side of the course along a radius of 18NM fr... Continue reading this answer
- The first 10nm from 0-35... Continue reading this answer
- between 10 degre... Continue reading this answer
- What are the legal limits for alcohol and being a crew-member (FAA limits)
- 8 hrs bottle to throttle... Continue reading this answer
- PSA's limit is 12 hours be... Continue reading this answer
- What is the definition of Hypoxia?
- Not enou... Continue reading this answer
- It is a lack of oxygen in the blood and tissue. 4 different types. Hypoxic, h... Continue reading this answer
- deficiency in the amount of ... Continue reading this answer
- Maximum airspeed below 10,000?
- 250KTS
- Unless below Class Bravo ai... Continue reading this answer
- At what altitude do you cross the MM?
- The correct answer is not 200 feet as this is the AGL that most all ILS approaches are based o... Continue reading this answer
- PSA puts the question wrong. 200ft would be the answer on the question: At what height do you cross the MM? Strictly the question ... Continue reading this answer
- The MM indicates a position approximately 3,500 feet from the landing threshold. This is also the position where an a... Continue reading this answer
- 200ft
- Calculate fuel needed if aircraft burns 3000 pound per hour.
- 3000 drop the 0 and add 50%. So 3000 bec... Continue reading this answer
- (3000 lb + 50%) / 10 (3000+1500)/10 = 4... Continue reading this answer
- Based on the question asked and the answers I'm seeing here, it's a basic conversion to gallons. The conversion I use on a daily basis is take your 3000... Continue reading this answer
- If you have a jump seater on your flight and he was talking bad about the captain what would you do?
- Remind them of the professional environment we’re in and tell them if the... Continue reading this answer
- Read a METAR and TAF and asked what were our concerns on the METAR?
- Visibility, RVR, and Ceiling in METAR must be checked and compared to the landing minimum o... Continue reading this answer
- RVR information is presented on METAR, wi... Continue reading this answer
- Asked about a taxi diagram and asked what were the concerns from given taxi instructions he gave me.
- Identify hotspots on the taxi route, check runway cros... Continue reading this answer
- Be ready to explain hotspots, airport referen... Continue reading this answer
- KCLT, stay cautious with HOT SPOT on taxi route,... Continue reading this answer
- What would you do if your captain was doing X unsafe?
- Remind him of the safety procedures and company protocols.... Continue reading this answer
- What do you know about the company?
- PSA Airlines delivers upon their values of being safe, ... Continue reading this answer
- PSA Airlines operates an all-jet fleet consisting of exclusively Bombardier regional jet aircraft. With an incredible team of close to 4,... Continue reading this answer
- Fly by vs fly over waypoints
- Make sure you know the symbols on the Jeppesen chart. Fly-by allows to lead the tur... Continue reading this answer
- Fly-by waypoint: a waypoint where the pilot is required to use turn anticipation to avoid an overshoot of the next flight leg segment. Fly-over waypoint... Continue reading this answer
- What are speed restrictions?
- Max airspeed below 1... Continue reading this answer
- Above 10,000ft: No limit, but no more than Mach 1. Below 10,000ft: 250kias. Class B above 10,000ft: No limit, but no more than Mach 1. Class B below 10,0... Continue reading this answer
- In the U.S 10,000' and above - unrestricted Below 10,000' - 250 kias Class B - Unrestricted 10,000' and above, 250 kias below 10,000' Underlying ClassB/VFR Corridor - 200 kias Procedure Turn - 200 kias Class C or D at or below 2,500 agl and within 4 nm of primary airport - 200 kias 1. If a controller issues a speed restriction while vectoring you, it continues to apply with an altitude change. 2. An approach clearance cancels any previously assigned speed adjustment (however, the controller would not anticipate a la... Continue reading this answer
- What are the holding speeds?
- MHA - 6,000' 200 KTS 6,001' - 14,000'... Continue reading this answer
- Minimum Holding Altitude ~ 6,000ft: 200kts 6,... Continue reading this answer
- What happens during the engine starting process on my current airplane?
- Your battery does not "power your magnetos", they are 100% independent of the aircraft's electrical system. Nothing about the battery is even connected to the magnetos. When you turn the key to 'start', both Magnetos are ungrounded, the starter solenoid closes and power is directed from the battery t... Continue reading this answer
- What is VMC?
- VMC is Minimal controllable airspeed, if you go bel... Continue reading this answer
- Vmc: Minimum controllable airspeed for multi-engine aircraft. (V Minimum Control). Bel... Continue reading this answer
- Why do you want to work for Qatar airways?
- Best Middle Ea... Continue reading this answer
- Tell me about yourself.
- How long do you need to give notice to your current company ?
- 30 days
- 3 months
- 15 days
- What is windshear?
- its a change on directi... Continue reading this answer
- 25%
- 92%
- More t... Continue reading this answer
- %2.5
- 3%
- It is a required rate of climb predicated on ground speed. In other words, the faster the GS the greater the ROC wi... Continue reading this answer
- Its about a specific ROC to avoid usually obstacles along the departure route. It relates to climb performance based on how many feet of climb per how many nautical miles traveled forward. Obviously the faster the ... Continue reading this answer
- 1. Take off run Vlof to 35 ft 2.35 ft to gear up 3.gear up to 400ft AAL 4. 4... Continue reading this answer
- What is VMCG?
- minimum speed con... Continue reading this answer
- What is VMCA?
- Minimun Speed Co... Continue reading this answer
- Do not ... Continue reading this answer
Above is a list of questions asked during pilot interviews. These questions can be used to help you prepare for an interview. The answers contained within these questions may NOT be correct, so do your own research! We make no guarantees as to the accuracy or completeness of any question or answer.
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