- Why do you want to change jobs?
- Why Norwegian?
- Why long haul?
- I prefer long haul than shor... Continue reading this answer
- Have you broken any SOP's?
- What is your weakness and what are you working towards?
- Why Oman Air?
- A respectable Air Line with reputable r... Continue reading this answer
- Will your Family move to Oman with you?
- 1. Yes... Continue reading this answer
- If I am accepted for the job, yes my wife an... Continue reading this answer
- Take off, VFR Visual pattern. Take off Engine seperation/severe damage, CatI Weather, Vectors for VOR approach Single Engine ( Or Loc Approach ) Go around at minimums vector for ILS with 15 kts X-wind.
- Accent on boeing procedures for type rated candidates. They will try to rush you the idea is to be able to relax and not let them push y... Continue reading this answer
- Will you be able to adapt to living in the Middle East?
- yes
- According to my experience living in Tunisia and Indonesia, both Muslim co... Continue reading this answer
- Is Oman Air selecting Pilots other than Omani Nationalities?
- I heard th... Continue reading this answer
- Tell me about yourself.
- Dedicated Safety... Continue reading this answer
- Why Omni?
- They flew me on a... Continue reading this answer
- Where do you see yourself in five (ten) years?
- Captain for my ... Continue reading this answer
- What would other pilots say about you?
- That I’m fun to fly wi... Continue reading this answer
- Tell me about a time you didn't get along with a crewmember.
- Are you okay with being away from home on three week trips?
- Yes
- What three questions would you like to ask me?
- Upgrade time? Check airman possibili... Continue reading this answer
- Approx. 30 questions all based on AIM
- runway lighting
- White lights until last 3000 ft alternati... Continue reading this answer
- decoding METAR, TAF, Winds Aloft, NOTAMS
- What is your previous flying experience?
- Have you held any leadership positions?
- What were your military experiences?
- Tell me about a time you had an emergency.
- What is leadership to you?
- Tell me about a time you didn’t agree with a management decision and why.
- What are your strengths?
- What is your weakness?
- How do you think you can contribute to PenAir?
- Who is the VP of Flight ops?
- Eddie Leverton Vice President, Flight Operations Eddie is responsible for all areas of Flight Operations, including the airline’s Flight and Inflight Services, Training, Dispatch and Crew Planning. He also oversees the development and implementation of operational policies and procedures to ensure the highest possibl... Continue reading this answer
- They give you 4 cities and ask you which one is a crew base?
- Charlotte NC, Harrisburg and Ph... Continue reading this answer
- PHL, MDT, ROA, SBY Philidelphi... Continue reading this answer
- Charlotte, NC · Salisbury, MD · Philadelp... Continue reading this answer
- only current crew base... Continue reading this answer
- Baltimore, Charlott... Continue reading this answer
- Charlotte, Philadelphia a... Continue reading this answer
- What is the seating capacity of the Dash 8 100 and 300 and how many flight attendants you need.
- DA-100 (37) DA... Continue reading this answer
- DA-100 (39) DA... Continue reading this answer
- Are you ok with moving?
- Yes, if I am asked to live at ... Continue reading this answer
- no, will... Continue reading this answer
- What are the different colors of runway centerline lights, and when do they switch?
- Above answer incorrect, If refering to runway lighting. Runway light are amber and white for the last 2000ft or half the runway, whichever is shorter. If the question was refrenc... Continue reading this answer
- AIM 2-1-5 Runway Centerline Lighting System (RCLS): Of the last 3,000 feet, ... Continue reading this answer
- Runway Centerline Lighting System (RCLS). On some precision runways, a runway centerline light system is installed, with white lights spaced at 50-ft int... Continue reading this answer
- 3000 ft - light change to alternating red and... Continue reading this answer
- The las... Continue reading this answer
- How far do the touchdown markings extend?
- Touchdown Zone Markings are spaced at 500-foot increments for the... Continue reading this answer
- AIM 2-1-5 TDZL start 100 feet BEYOND the landing threshold and go to 3,000 feet BEYOND the landing threshold OR the midpo... Continue reading this answer
- First 3... Continue reading this answer
- Whats an inverter?
- DC to AC (Inver... Continue reading this answer
- What WX to expect when updrafts go into stratosphere?
- Super cells... Continue reading this answer
- Thunderstorms, tornadoes, large hail, heav... Continue reading this answer
- What is the characteristics of moisture travel INSIDE a thunderstorm.
- Depends. Is it the growing, mature, or dissapating stage? I don... Continue reading this answer
- Growing - predominantly updrafts, Mature stage updraft... Continue reading this answer
- What does the beginning of rain mean?
- Mature stage of... Continue reading this answer
Above is a list of questions asked during pilot interviews. These questions can be used to help you prepare for an interview. The answers contained within these questions may NOT be correct, so do your own research! We make no guarantees as to the accuracy or completeness of any question or answer.
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