- Tell me about your previous work experience.
- What are your strengths?
- Leadership, Calm... Continue reading this answer
- What is your weakness?
- What has been your flying experience with the past 60 days?
- What has been your flying experience with the past 30 days?
- Why did you apply here?
- Do you have any violations, incidents or accidents?
- No
- Do you have any weather experience?
- Yes, I am a FAA Ce... Continue reading this answer
- What is a squall line?
- A line of thunderstorms that forms along or ahead of a cold front that contains heavy precipitation, hail, frequent l... Continue reading this answer
- What is an airmet?
- Airman's Meteorological Information is a concise description of weather phenomena referred to as Weather Advisories and broadcast over ATIS at ATC facilities that concerns the conditions that are occurring or may occur along an air route and... Continue reading this answer
- What is your current job?
- 135 C... Continue reading this answer
- First ... Continue reading this answer
- contract pilot and s... Continue reading this answer
- First officer ... Continue reading this answer
- Retired Air... Continue reading this answer
- What are your weaknesses?
- I tend to put things of... Continue reading this answer
- Being overly critic... Continue reading this answer
- What are your strengths?
- Self-starter, reliabl... Continue reading this answer
- How did you change to mitigate (or reverse your most notable weakness)?
- Trying to be a proactive person and not a reactive one... Continue reading this answer
- Why Mountain Air Cargo?
- My quality of life as a captain will be better with Mounta... Continue reading this answer
- What can you bring to Mountain Air Cargo?
- Positive attitude. great work ethic... Continue reading this answer
- Strong work ethics, pos... Continue reading this answer
- How do you deal with someone you don't get along with?
- I focus on doing my job properly and knowing my tasks so as to make the working relationship easier. I... Continue reading this answer
- Have you been at the controls in an aircraft accident or incident?
- No
- Have you had any certificate actions?
- No
- Tell us about yourself.
- Walk us through your resume.
- Do you have any questions for us?
- What do you know about National?
- 1991 National Air Cargo Holdings, Inc. founded by Christopher Alf 1999 National establishes National Air Cargo, Inc. and German operating subsidiary 2003 National establishes Middle East and Malaysian Operating Companies 2006 National acquires Murray Air (renamed as National Airlines). event-logo 2011 N... Continue reading this answer
- Are you willing to take the position as a First Officer?
- Yes
- What aircraft would you like to fly?
- 747
- B747 o... Continue reading this answer
- If you're hired would you be willing to fly any aircraft?
- Are you vaccinated?
- When are you available to start?
- Immed... Continue reading this answer
- Where did you do your ATP CTP , who was your instructor?
- How would you feel about meeting the crew for dinner on an overnight?
- I think is very good to get to kno... Continue reading this answer
- When can you go below Decision Height / MDA?
- 91.175 You need three things: 1. Aircraft is continuously in a position from which a descent to a landing on the intended runway can be made at a normal rate of descent using normal maneuvers. 2. Flight visibility is not less than the visibility prescribed in the standard instrument approach begin used and... Continue reading this answer
- When do you need a TO alternate?
- You need a T/O alternate when the airport at which... Continue reading this answer
- When do you need to file an alternate FAR91 and 135?
- for at least one hour before and after the airport of intended landing, if weather is below(less than)... part 91: 2,000' ceiling or 3 miles visibility; part 135: 1,500' above the lowest circling minimum, if no circling minimums, 1,... Continue reading this answer
- Know your climb gradient stuff: RISE/RUN
- Climb gradient is defined by the vertical feet climbed per 1 nautical mile of horizontal distance traveled. Since foot and NM are two different units, a... Continue reading this answer
- Take ft per N.M. and divide my 6080 ft ex... Continue reading this answer
- Convert feet per NM to a climb gradient %
- One of the easiest ways to calculate this is look at the departure chart. On the chart will show you a table with feet per n... Continue reading this answer
- Climb Gradient % is not affected by ground speed. The correct formula is Rise over Run. 250/6000 = 4.2%. Now yo... Continue reading this answer
- the first answer has a typo. It should read ... Continue reading this answer
- How do you figure out the slope of a runway?
- Rise/Run is correct, but .02% is not. Remember that 1% equals 1/100 or .01. So in the example of 110/5000, the answer is .022 which equals 2.... Continue reading this answer
- Rise/Run is the equation. Look at the elevation at each end of the runway. Figure the difference and divide it by the ... Continue reading this answer
- .02 and 2% are s... Continue reading this answer
- They may have you brief an approach, so I practiced that a few times because it had been a while since I had done that.
- A brief is just that. Brief. Start from top left and cover the specific... Continue reading this answer
- When can you descend with out an instrument approach?
- A visual appr is conducted on an IFR flight plan and authorizes a pilot to proceed visually and clear of clouds to the airport. 1. Pilot must have airport or preceding identified a/c in sight. 2. Appr must be authorized by ATC. 3. Wx must be at least 1000' ceiling and 3 miles vis or greater.... Continue reading this answer
- As long as you can descend below the ME... Continue reading this answer
- What do you do if the vis goes below mins on an ILS outside and inside the FAF?
- Vis goes below mins outside the FAF-go missed; no turns unti... Continue reading this answer
- How would you handle an engine fire inside the FAF on an ILS down to mins?
- Land the plane then... Continue reading this answer
- Silence the fire bell and land the airplane, while having the other pilot ... Continue reading this answer
- When speed doubles, what happens to drag?
- It quad... Continue reading this answer
- Why Northern Air Cargo?
- Do you have any checkride failures?
- Why did you leave your previous job?
Above is a list of questions asked during pilot interviews. These questions can be used to help you prepare for an interview. The answers contained within these questions may NOT be correct, so do your own research! We make no guarantees as to the accuracy or completeness of any question or answer.
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