- Why Key Lime?
- Key Lime Air is a growing charter/cargo company that has been around since 1997.They have fought there way through hard economical times and have continued to grow.From what I have seen today, the people are great and professional. Everyone seems to love their job and really care about what they do. Key Lime a... Continue reading this answer
- Tell me about your flight time from when you first started.
- What was the most difficult part of learning to fly?
- The most difficult part of learning to fly for me was being able to multi-task all the time to s... Continue reading this answer
- What are 3 words to describe yourself?
- Loyal, Hones... Continue reading this answer
- What makes a good Captain?
- I believe a good captain is someone who knows what its like to be at the bottom and worked his way up. A good captain is someone who not only knows his aircraft but also makes ... Continue reading this answer
- What makes a good FO?
- A good FO makes sure he is well prepared for the days flight and he or she shows up on time and with a good attitude. A good FO flies with an open mind learning everything he can from thier captain about the routes, weather, and air... Continue reading this answer
- They seem to be looking for punct... Continue reading this answer
- What are 3 priorities in life?
- GOd, flying/work, and i... Continue reading this answer
- Have you ever been a leader?
- Yes, In the Air Force as... Continue reading this answer
- Have you ever failed a checkride?
- Yes, my instrument inital..partial pa... Continue reading this answer
- Have you ever committed a crime?
- No
- Why do you want to become a pilot?
- Why LAN Chile?
- Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
- Did you have any bad experience in the past?
- What is your best quality?
- What is your weakness?
- What have you heard about LAN chile?
- What would you do if you were on final and suddenly had an electrical fire in the cockpit?
- What would you do if you were cruising and noticed that your captain was unconscious??
- Take the controls, keep calm, call the attendants and ... Continue reading this answer
- Decode a metar.
- What is Bernoulli law? how the aircraft can fly?
- What is Newton's Law?
- What is ACN/PCN?
- ACN/ Aircraft classification number... Continue reading this answer
- Know about Piston Engine
- Loyalty to company
- What is RVSM?
- RVSM is reduced verti... Continue reading this answer
- What are the requirements of RVSM?
- Two independent altitude measuring systems SSR (secondary surveillance radar) altitude reporting transponder Altitude alert system Autopilot ... Continue reading this answer
- What are characteristics of a swept wing?
- What is the procedure after a total radio failure?
- What are the Illusions on a downsloping runway?
- Have you ever been arrested?
- No
- Yes
- If its one arrest for something petty 10 years ago, theyll let ... Continue reading this answer
- Have you had any DUI"S?
- NO
- Yes
- If its a DUI 10 years ago, theyll let it s... Continue reading this answer
- Describe your three best qualities.
- Dedicated, humb... Continue reading this answer
- What are the qualities of a good FO?
- A person who can get along with almost everyone, yet can stand their ground when needed... Continue reading this answer
- Why do you want to work at Mesa?
- Team work. Also want t... Continue reading this answer
- Mesa Airlines offers aspiring pilots an excellent opportunity to begin their airline careers, providing a direct pathway to major carriers through partnerships with United Airlines and American Airlines. The airline is known for its industry-leading training programs, competitive pay, and fast captain up... Continue reading this answer
- Captain is taxiing and fumbling with his cellphone. He taxi's into the dirt and the plane gets stuck. He tells you the story is going to be that he swerved around an animal. What do you do?
- Tell the truth? I dunno, I asked my most recent Captain and our jump-seater (a senior... Continue reading this answer
- Tell the truth ab... Continue reading this answer
- Be a good FO by backing up the Captain and 1) offering to take the taxi while he handles whatever; 2) preventing the aircraft from leaving the paved surface in the first place. Bo... Continue reading this answer
- This situation is completely preventable by always anticipating the possible need (as an FO) to stomp on the brak... Continue reading this answer
- Have you had any FAA violations/accidents/ incidents/ letters of warning? Please explain.
- No
- Go to your PRD (pilot record database). All violat... Continue reading this answer
- Have you had a suspension or revocation of your driver's license?
- No
- yes
- The more recent it is, the ... Continue reading this answer
- Have you had any failed check-ride or stage checks? Explain
- Tell the truth. You must say them “wh... Continue reading this answer
- Might as well just say the truth. They'll find out anyway in your PRIA. T... Continue reading this answer
- What are your 3 worst qualities?
- Make the qualities wo... Continue reading this answer
- How do you juggle work, school and flying?
- Being really good w... Continue reading this answer
- Name a time when you had a disagreement with a pilot in the cockpit and how to you resolved it?
- Talked through the issue to... Continue reading this answer
- What qualities are required from a pilot?
- Leader, decisive, professional, quic... Continue reading this answer
- Tell us some of your strengths.
- Decisive, honest, val... Continue reading this answer
- Name a time you disagreed with a policy put in place and how you worked through it or around it to complete your job?
- You arrive at work and notice your coworker smells like alcohol, what do you do?
- Ask about it. If in... Continue reading this answer
- If you forget a checklist item before take off what would you do?
- Complete checkl... Continue reading this answer
- What would you do if the Captain reported to the airplane and seemed intoxicated?
- Report him
- Tell me about a time you gave excellent customer service?
- Why do you want to work for Mesa?
- West coast based company. Optio... Continue reading this answer
- Junior bases in Texas which is where I am originally from. I am a... Continue reading this answer
Above is a list of questions asked during pilot interviews. These questions can be used to help you prepare for an interview. The answers contained within these questions may NOT be correct, so do your own research! We make no guarantees as to the accuracy or completeness of any question or answer.
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