- Tell us about a time you had to work with a colleague you did not get along with.
- What are the 3 types of icing?
- Rime, Cle... Continue reading this answer
- Which type of icing is the most dangerous?
- Clear
- What are the requirements to descend below DA?
- One of the following from 91.175: Within the prescribed flight visibility for the approach, be in continuous position to land without unusually aggressive maneuvers (stabilized approach), and on... Continue reading this answer
- Why do you want to work for Frontier?
- I want to work for Frontier because of the opportunity for a faster path to the lef... Continue reading this answer
- Tell us an obstacle you had to overcome and what you learned from it.
- Tell us what you think are leadership traits and an example of a person that showed them.
- Leading by example, admitting failures or shortcomings, owning the shortcomings of the overall team, a... Continue reading this answer
- What do you like to do outside of work?
- Long distance running S... Continue reading this answer
- Tell us about a time you became discouraged in education or your career.
- Why are you interested in becoming a pilot at Frontier?
- Frontier is my destination airline. Frontiers aircraft order over over 200 aircraft provided for... Continue reading this answer
- What is V1
- Take off De... Continue reading this answer
- Why GoJet?
- There are several bases that ... Continue reading this answer
- Stated growing up in STL, knew about company, and... Continue reading this answer
- What was my most difficult situation on an airplane?
- Total electrical fai... Continue reading this answer
- Landing Huron after freez... Continue reading this answer
- What would you bring to this atmosphere?
- Professionalism, leaders... Continue reading this answer
- Tell me about your flying background and why do you want to come to GoJet?
- I want to come to GoJet because I car... Continue reading this answer
- What was your most memorable experience in an airplane?
- Flying a helicopter at night in Afghanistan responding to troops-in-co... Continue reading this answer
- Describe the fuel system in the most complex aircraft you have flown.
- We have center tank and main tank, fuel moving from the center tank to the main tank by transfer ejectors and from center tank to the collector tank by s... Continue reading this answer
- You have a fuel bladder with a fuel lift pump installed in the bladder, you have a in line fuel ... Continue reading this answer
- Tell us about the systems on the aircraft you are currently flying
- If you're flying an aircraft, you should... Continue reading this answer
- The aircraft has two primary and secondary electrical, hydraulic and fuel systems, and a primary and secondary fire suppression systems in case of fir... Continue reading this answer
- Brief this ILS approach plate.
- They are currently usi... Continue reading this answer
- How is the final approach fix defined on an ILS?
- The fix from which the final approach (IFR) to an airport is executed and which identifies the beginning of the final approach segment. It is designated on Government charts by the lightning bolt symbol, designating the PFAF, for precision approaches; or when ATC directs a lower-than-published glideslope/pat... Continue reading this answer
- The point where the minimum glide slope in... Continue reading this answer
- The point at the lowest published intermediate altit... Continue reading this answer
- What difference does it make if visibility goes below minimums if you are inside/outside the FAF?
- For most Part 121 and 135 operations you are not allowed to begin, continue, or perform the instrument approach procedure if the reported weather is below the landing minimu... Continue reading this answer
- You may continue the approach however it is not legal to land unless the flight visibilit... Continue reading this answer
- Tell us about your flying career
- Started out when I was 18, then I quickly got my license thereafter. Then I had to take a break for my church mission. Once I came back, I dove in where I left off. Once I finished all of my ratings, due to p... Continue reading this answer
- What do you know about Hawaiian?
- Asked during t... Continue reading this answer
- Why are you applying to Hawaiian?
- This is a big one, each i... Continue reading this answer
- Will you move to Hawaii if hired?
- Yes! I have nothing t... Continue reading this answer
- Of cours... Continue reading this answer
- Have you applied to Hawaii in the past?
- I have not applied to Hawaiian in the pas... Continue reading this answer
- Have you applied to any other companies besides Hawaiian?
- Yes
- If you are offered a job by Hawaiian and another company, which would you take? Why?
- I would take the job at Hawaiian. I love the culture here as well as the type of flying you do... Continue reading this answer
- How would you describe yourself?
- integrity achievment pu... Continue reading this answer
- Loving caring pass... Continue reading this answer
- Why should we pick you instead of one of the other 2000 applicants?
- Have you ever done more than the minimum required?
- Why should we hire you?
- I love flying, enjoy working in the cockpit as a crew, and I have some awesom... Continue reading this answer
- I have 17 years of experience, seen many... Continue reading this answer
- 34 years of aviation experience both flying and technical. D... Continue reading this answer
- What is the difference between Blue, Green Airports?
- Blue , published procedures and approaches approved for DOD and civilian , green is civilian procedures and approaches only, they bo... Continue reading this answer
- What factors affect Performance?
- Pressure, temperatu... Continue reading this answer
- humidity... Continue reading this answer
- What factors influence when you will descend?
- Speed, Wind, Airc... Continue reading this answer
- When do we need T/O alternate?
- 121.617 Whenever the wx is below the opspec fo... Continue reading this answer
- What have you done to improve customer service?
- A smile and professional inward to outward receptiveness of customers need is paramount. I ... Continue reading this answer
- I work closely with the gate agent and ground crew, maintenance. Alw... Continue reading this answer
- As a CFI, over 50% of my business is referrals, which ... Continue reading this answer
- Have you ever failed a check ride?
- Yes. Always a le... Continue reading this answer
- No
- What stresses you in the cockpit?
- (Non-checkride scenario) Senior crew member who plays "I've got a secret" o... Continue reading this answer
- Not being proud. App... Continue reading this answer
- Flying with someone who thinks they... Continue reading this answer
- Describe an unsafe situation and how you handled it.
- fire on the left engine.just cool down and foll... Continue reading this answer
- Flying a visual approach to PDX behind a 757 in the Lear 45, a dot... Continue reading this answer
- Radar went inop in Haze at FL370. Cuba gives us a descent right into an embedded thunderstorm. Updrafts and downdrafts were severe. As PF my concern was remaining straight with wings ... Continue reading this answer
- Co-pilot entered into a unexpected, somewhat drastic maneuver. Ta... Continue reading this answer
- What is required to descend below DH/MDA?
- 91.175 1. descend normal maneuvers 2. required Vis 3. runway, runway markings, runway light, threshold, threshold marking, threshold lights, touchdown zone, touchdown zone markings touchdown zone lights, VASI/PAPi, REIL *a... Continue reading this answer
- (b)Authorized DA/DH or MDA. For the purpose of this section, when the approach procedure being used provides for and requires the use of a DA/DH or MDA, the authorized DA/DH or MDA is the highest of the following: (1) The DA/DH or MDA prescribed by the approach procedure. (2) The DA/DH or MDA prescribed for the pilot in command. (3) The DA/DH or MDA appropriate for the aircraft equipment available and used during the approach. (c)Operation below DA/DH or MDA. Except as provided in paragraph (l) of this section or ยง 91.176 of this chapter, where a DA/DH or MDA is applicable, no pilot may operate an aircraft, except a military aircraft of the United States, below the authorized MDA or continue an approach below the authorized DA/DH unless - (1) The aircraft is continuously in a position from which a descent to a landing on the intended runway can be made at a normal rate of descent using normal maneuvers, and for operations conducted under part 121 or part 135 unless that descent rate will allow touchdown to oc... Continue reading this answer
Above is a list of questions asked during pilot interviews. These questions can be used to help you prepare for an interview. The answers contained within these questions may NOT be correct, so do your own research! We make no guarantees as to the accuracy or completeness of any question or answer.
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