1. How would you deal with a delay?
    •   I have found that passengers are usually ok with delays or other issues as long as the pilot communicates with them thoroughly and honestly all along the way. So I would call the company to either let them know that I am encountering a delay, or find out why a delay is happening. Once I have a game plan, I would tell the passengers ... Continue reading this answer
    •   First I would get all the available information regarding the delay, Weather, mechanical, etc. Then I would present that information to the client with a a clear plan of action to remedy the situation while presenting a new time frame for t... Continue reading this answer
  2. What are you going to tell the customer that has a multi million dollar deal coming up that you have to cancel the flight because the a/c is broke, etc?
    •   First, before advising the owner, insure that the company has a substitute aircraft in-route. Know the approximate delay time before the new aircraft arrives. Then, advise the owner in a professional manner providing all the information available so he understands that while he will be delayed every effort is being made to provide his transport... Continue reading this answer
  3. Why Flexjet?
    •   Flexjet is the premier transportation company in its segment. the myriad of services are superior to other similar private transportation companies. The Red Label experienc... Continue reading this answer
    •   With over twenty yrs in aviation, you hear conversations in the FBO’s. The conversations between the passengers and crews and Fl... Continue reading this answer
  4. What can you bring to the table?
    •   Broad experience in the customer service area within the personal Fractional industry. Ten years experience with a Fractional operator and proven customer satisfaction record. An expansive aviation background, Mili... Continue reading this answer
  5. Do you have a problem relocating?
  6. How did you get into flying?
    •   I started with aero club flying bu... Continue reading this answer
    •   My father had a Citation 1 when I was a young boy, I would travel on it with my family on vacations. When I wa... Continue reading this answer
    •   From the age of 13, I started building and flying my own radio controlled planes. I practiced take-offs and landings, and taught myself different aerobatic maneuvers. My dad had a Ce... Continue reading this answer
  7. Were you ever fired?
    •   no
  8. Name a time when you went out of your way for a customer.
    •   While the opportunities weren’t as great for this in the 121 world. Going down to the ramp for find a stroller or get a bag for an elder... Continue reading this answer
  9. Tell me why you left a previous job?
  10. What were your experiences at a previous job?
    •   My most memorable experiences at my previous company weave around customer service and how best to provide the most comfortable and professional flight to our owners. The area I liked best about this... Continue reading this answer
There are more questions for Flexjet!
  1. What is your greatest strength?
  2. What is your greatest weakness?
    • What do you look for in a Company?
      • Why FlightSafety?
        •   Good tip here: study up on the company. Don't throw out the entire year-by-year timeline, but know a few important things about it. They WILL ask, an... Continue reading this answer
        •   Flight Safety is a long-time flight training provider founded in 1951. Flight Safety added their first full motion simulator in 19... Continue reading this answer
      • What is the importance of checklists and SOP?
        • Describe what a great customer experience means to you.
          • What has been your past work experience?
            • Describe a moral dilemma you've encountered.
              • Describe ground effect while landing.
                • How would you adjust for being on glide slope but too fast after base to final turn?
                  There are more questions for FlightSafety!
                  1. Tell me about a time when you and your crew were working well together.
                    •   During pandemic, we were flying only cargo flight around Africa and midle east, some times we needed to cordinate very well the f... Continue reading this answer
                  2. Describe the routine of a normal day during your last flight assignment.
                    • How do you manage your crew and describe how you are a leader to them.
                      •   First of all, opening communication channels with all of them, ice braking introducing myself then request the same to other flight crew, establishing the w... Continue reading this answer
                    • What do you know about FlyDubai?
                      •   It is a youg company oriented to low cost operations with only Boeing 737 NG and Max aircraft, that leads it to... Continue reading this answer
                    • Is there anything you wanted to tell us or ask us before the interview concluded?
                      • Why did you start flying?
                      • How will your life change living in UAE?
                      • How does your family feel about moving to UAE?
                      • What do you know about Islam?
                      • What will you do if you are not successful?
                      There are more questions for FlyDubai!
                      1. Did you choose to take the position?
                        • What do you know about the company?
                        • Tell me about yourself?
                          • Will you be willing to move?
                            • Are you okay with getting a call at 2am and showing up to work at 3am?
                              • Tell me your strengths.
                                • Tell me your weaknesses.
                                  • Have you ever had a In Flight emergency?
                                    • Can you explain your landing gear system?
                                      • Can you explain your electrical system?
                                        There are more questions for Freight Runners Express!
                                        1. What altitude does the O2 mask deploy in back?
                                        2. What does TH57 stand for on a DEN ils plate?
                                        3. Have I ever failed a check ride?
                                        4. Have you ever had to take the plane from a superior, and how did you handle it?
                                          •   No
                                          •   Yes, we were just clearing Rwy 4 in HOU at night in moderate precipitation. The tower told us to taxi to the gate with him (gate is right off the Rwy.) The CA called for the After Landing Checklist. I preceeded with my flow and out of my peripheral vision I saw a citation taxing with out any lights on. The other aircraft was converging at us from the left as we were on a high sp... Continue reading this answer
                                          •   So far in my career, being a proactive back-up to my Captains has allowed them to correct any error they may be making before safety or flight rules are jeopard... Continue reading this answer
                                          •   Yes, I asked the ca if he could see the taxiway to hold short of. He said yes, and proceeded to try and pass ... Continue reading this answer
                                        5. What is definition of “min fuel”?
                                        6. When do you need an alternate?
                                        7. Can you shoot the ILS if the missed app is based on a navaid that is Notam’d out of service?
                                          •   yes
                                        8. Tell us about a time you went the extra mile at work…
                                        9. What 2 values are most important to you and why?
                                        10. How I came to where I am now in my flying career?
                                        There are more questions for Frontier Airlines!

                                        Above is a list of questions asked during pilot interviews. These questions can be used to help you prepare for an interview. The answers contained within these questions may NOT be correct, so do your own research! We make no guarantees as to the accuracy or completeness of any question or answer.