- What is the 1-2-3 rule?
- Requirements for filing an alternate. 1-2-3: 1hr before to 1hr after estimated ... Continue reading this answer
- This question was asked as when do yo... Continue reading this answer
- When do you need a take-off alternate?
- 121.617 Alternate airport for departure. (a) If the weather conditions at the airport of takeoff are below the landing minimums in the certificate holder's operations specifications for that airport, no person may dispatch or release an aircraft from that airport unless the dispatch or flight release specifies an alternate airport located within the following distances from the airport of takeoff: (1) Aircraft having two engines. Not more than one hour from the departure airport at normal cruising speed in still ... Continue reading this answer
- When the weather is good enough to take off but not to land & you have to have the take-off alternate airport with in 1 h... Continue reading this answer
- When weather is below landing minimums at the airport from which you are departing, you need to have a take-off alternate 1 hour away with 2 engines ... Continue reading this answer
- Take off alternate must be no more than 1 hrs for 2 engi... Continue reading this answer
- When do you need a second alternate?
- When the weather at the destination and fi... Continue reading this answer
- Second alternate 3 scenarios since most Airlines use Ops spec 3585 1 - destination vis to be as low as 1/2 mile required vis 2 - look at first alternate in main body of forecast ceiling and vis must meet derived minimums ( derive... Continue reading this answer
- Also: if dispatched unde... Continue reading this answer
- Add to this question: When do you make the in-flight decision to utilize the second ... Continue reading this answer
- What would you change about yourself,if anything?
- I would change the fact that sometimes I am too hard on... Continue reading this answer
- Not being more assertive and having too m... Continue reading this answer
- Tend to be a bit over ambitious. Thinking that winning is everything. But ... Continue reading this answer
- I will not ch... Continue reading this answer
- Describe yourself in one word.
- Motivated
- Profes... Continue reading this answer
- Dedicated
- Positive
- Flexible
- Relentless
- Merciless
- Faithful
- Loyal
- Ambitious
- Helpful
- What is your proudest accomplishment?
- Following my life long dream t... Continue reading this answer
- My family.
- Becoming a pilot and graduating from colle... Continue reading this answer
- Being able to successfully pass ... Continue reading this answer
- Why should Envoy hire you?
- I have a good track record as being a professional person, punctual and dedicated worker. I have the required experi... Continue reading this answer
- I’m adaptable, honest, punctual, eager to come to work, pleasant to work with, I can get along with... Continue reading this answer
- I am dedicated to what I do and I'm willing t... Continue reading this answer
- I have the skill set and I'm dedicated to not give up in my endeavors to do something that has been a passion of mine since I was 10... Continue reading this answer
- I have the requirement... Continue reading this answer
- What makes a good First Officer?
- A pilot who can function as part of a team, learn from those who can impart their knowledge to him and also be asse... Continue reading this answer
- A good First Officer is someone who is a te... Continue reading this answer
- A team player, a good supporte... Continue reading this answer
- A pilot who can listen, learn a... Continue reading this answer
- Someone who holds themself to a... Continue reading this answer
- Tell me about Centerline Lights, and Standard Runway Lights.
- Runway centerline lights are installed on some precision approach runways to facilitate landing under adverse visibility conditions. They are located along the runway centerline and are spaced at 50-foot intervals. When viewed from the landing threshold, the runway centerline lights are white until the last 3,000 feet of the runway. ... Continue reading this answer
- Take off Alternate, what does RVR 6/6/6 mean can you go with 6/5/6 or 6/m/6?
- RVR 6/6/6 means all three transmissometers are reporting 600 RVR.... Continue reading this answer
- This depends what chart you're shown. If it's DFW as I was shown, th... Continue reading this answer
- On an Jepp enroute chart what is the number before the T, example 2500T on an airway?
- On a Jepp enroute chart what is the number before the G, example 2500G on an airway?
- It is th... Continue reading this answer
- When do you hold short of an ILS critical line?
- ATC protects the ILS critical area when the weather is less than 800' or 2 miles viz... Continue reading this answer
- You must hold short ... Continue reading this answer
- What is FAR 91.175?
- Takeoff and la... Continue reading this answer
- When is a first/second alternate required?
- 1-2-3 rules for the first alternate. The second is when you... Continue reading this answer
- What are the speed restrictions for Class B,C, under/above 10,000?
- Mach 1 in class B EXCEPT under 10,000 MSL. For cla... Continue reading this answer
- What airspace is DFW, what are the lateral limits of it?
- Class ... Continue reading this answer
- Tell us about yourself
- I am a professional, resilient, adaptable, and focused person. My previous career was always demanding regarding discipline, dedication, and overcoming difficulties. It made me a reliable professional who is open to new challenges and available to learn all the time.... Continue reading this answer
- Why Envoy?
- I have heard great things from all... Continue reading this answer
- On a Jepp chart what is a black dot with a number in it?
- A note.
- Ball Note
- Tell me about yourself.
- my name is FEKADU CHALA. i was born in 1986 and i am graduated from a... Continue reading this answer
- My name is Natnael Ebrahim I was born in diesse in June 24 1985 E.C and I studied from primary to preparatory in m... Continue reading this answer
- What is your age?
- I am 23 yea... Continue reading this answer
- i am 24 ... Continue reading this answer
- Where do you come from?
- I come from Wollega. It is far from Addis Ababa a... Continue reading this answer
- I come from sout... Continue reading this answer
- What University did you attend?
- I was graduated from Wollega University in Bsc of comp... Continue reading this answer
- i graduated in adama science and technolog... Continue reading this answer
- Why do you want to be a pilot?
- The reason I want to be a pilot is to succed my childhood ambition. I was thinking to be a pilot and wants to change my life history. I don't want to die empty history. I want to register new history in my life. I was graduated in computer scienc... Continue reading this answer
- it is not only my dream it also my fate. pilot has responsibilities to caries the hostages and put the... Continue reading this answer
- Why did you leave engineering to become a pilot?
- first of all my dream was to become pilot , but I can get opportunities , there for I have to learn related c... Continue reading this answer
- Before i didn't get the chance to join this company and become a pilot. But now the chan... Continue reading this answer
- - physics behind flying is interests me - when i was at university i study aerody... Continue reading this answer
- Why did you choose to interview with Ethiopian Airlines?
- because EA has a strong reputation by giving best services to its p... Continue reading this answer
- Why should we hire you at Ethiopian Airlines?
- Because I love challenges and your organization is a huge organization that can bring me a lot of new challenges. Second I can be an additional force or power that can lead the Ethiopian Airlines to ano... Continue reading this answer
- its because I have the right combination of skills, qualification ... Continue reading this answer
- When did ethiopian airline established?
- Dec 2... Continue reading this answer
- dec 2... Continue reading this answer
- What's the name of the place where Pilots based?
- Bole
- Addis Ababa H... Continue reading this answer
- Why did you apply with us?
- I want to fly the globe ... Continue reading this answer
- What is grid mora?
- What is MSA?
- What is the difference between GPWS and EGPWS?
- 1.EGPWS is safer and more advanced than GPWS. 2.EGPWS uses GPS while GPWS doesn’t. 3.EGPWS uses a terrain databas... Continue reading this answer
- What is your windshear procedure?
- Tell us about your aviation background?
- Explain De icing/ Anti-icing procedures.
- Tell us about your flying experiences?
- What will you do if recalled by XYZ Airlines?
- Can you accept our lower salary?
- YES , I can. Because I think that I can have ... Continue reading this answer
- no
- Tell us how you got here and your experience so far.
- A year of flight instruction, a year of air ambulance, ... Continue reading this answer
- Tell us about the most significant emergency you have had.
- I had a shattered windshield in flight, ... Continue reading this answer
- Have you ever caught an error that you or another crew member made that would have caused an incident or violation had it not been caught?
- Many times; a wrong turn on a taxiway, a miss... Continue reading this answer
- Tell us about your most trying time with support personnel, (MX, catering, ramp workers, etc.).
- I called MX control about the FMS working it doesn't look inop so I wanted and no one came to the a... Continue reading this answer
- Tell us about a time when stress affected your performance.
- Got severe turbulence. Stress of the situation he... Continue reading this answer
- Tell us about a time when you did not get along with another crew member.
- Have you participated in any community service?
- How do you deal with problems?
- Have you ever had a conflict in the cockpit?
- yes
- Tell us about your last checkride.
Above is a list of questions asked during pilot interviews. These questions can be used to help you prepare for an interview. The answers contained within these questions may NOT be correct, so do your own research! We make no guarantees as to the accuracy or completeness of any question or answer.
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