1. How did you get to where you are in your career?
    • Why do you want to work for Delta?
    • What challenges are you anticipating if accepted into the program?
      • Explain your check-ride failures.
        • How did you get into flying?
          • How are you funding your flight training?
            • Do you have experience in Class C/Class B airspace?
              • Why Delta Air Lines?
                •   I want to fly for Delta Air Lines due to the focus on servant leadership. I feel this is important because it... Continue reading this answer
              • Why Propel, and how does it differ from other accelerated pathways?
              • You are flying solo in the practice area and on recovery from a power-off stall, your engine fails. You are able to get it restarted and all the indications are in the green afterward. There is an airport 10NM away that is non-towered and the airport you came from which is towered and 20NM - where do you go?
                •   I would go to the 10NM airport as it is closest and ultimately an engine failure is an engine failure. As safety is always the top priority, I w... Continue reading this answer
              There are more questions for Delta Air Lines Propel!
              1. What is your greatest weakness?
                • What is your greatest strength?
                • Tell about a time you had a boss you didn't get along with, or other employees you didn't get along with and how you fixed it?
                • What is the most difficult flight I've ever had?
                  •   Recently I had to do an precautionary engine shutdown in the DA-20 Falcon I was flying. It was the number 1 engine which meant we had to do a lengthy emergency checklist which required an alternate emergency gear extension w... Continue reading this answer
                • What is your leadership style like?
                • How well do you get along with people?
                • May be lots of downtime, sitting at the hotel, what would you plan to do during this time?
                • Do you mind getting your hands dirty, (helping work on the planes).?
                  •   Yes
                • Tell me about the pitot static system?
                  • What would happen to the airspeed indicator if we encountered icing that blocked the pitot tube?
                    There are more questions for Dynamic Aviation!
                    1. What is the Long and Lat of Dubai?
                    2. In relation to CG the center of pressure is?
                    3. They put us in a point in-between the US and Europe and told us there was smoke in the back and gave us three options on where to land.
                    4. What type of Engine is on our 777-200?
                    5. Where in Africa do we fly?
                    6. Have you ever had an emergency in an airplane?
                    7. Why did you get involved in flying?
                    8. What do you know about Islam?
                    9. How do you think your life will change by living here?
                    10. Why you didn’t you bring your wife to the interview?
                    There are more questions for Emirates!
                    1. When can you descend below DH using the ALS as a reference?
                    2. What do you know about Empire?
                    3. Why do want to work here?
                    4. What do you want from Empire?
                    5. Name two scary experiences flying.
                    6. How did you get interested in flying?
                    7. What are you doing now?
                    8. Why do you like flying?
                      •   I have an intimate connection with flying aeroplanes in tbe sky and am in love with all ots infrastructures. I enjoy the lifestyle, privilege, and pres... Continue reading this answer
                    9. What is hyperventilation?
                    10. What is hypoxia?
                    There are more questions for Empire Airlines!
                    1. What is viscous hydroplaning?
                      •   Hydroplaning that requires a very smooth surface (ie new pavement, rubber coated pavement). T... Continue reading this answer
                      •   When oil or accumulated rubber combines with water on a runway, it can form an impenetrable layer ... Continue reading this answer
                      •   Viscous hydroplaning- when the oil/rubber build up on the runway and your tires cant break through the layer Dynamic hydroplaning- when the water level on the runway is deeper than your... Continue reading this answer
                    2. What is maximum speed in class charlie airspace within 4 nm from an airport?
                    3. What is the cross in the circle symbol represent in the airport plan view?
                    4. A crew-member must breathe oxygen above how many feet?
                    5. What is your clearance limit when cleared for the approach and then you lose comms?
                    6. The maximum intensity and or development of a thunderstorm is during the which stage?
                    7. When do you need an alternate airport?
                    8. How would you rate your current employer?
                      •   8-9
                      •   Our Air Force is the best in the world and has adapted to changing cir... Continue reading this answer
                      •   The ability to know the worlds AVIATION cultures and the powers of the United nations upon all na... Continue reading this answer
                      •   8 out of ten, very solid company , family owned. Highly qualified coworkers and very professional environment. I would like them to have a more organized Maintenace program but I know they are working... Continue reading this answer
                    9. What is mach tuck?
                      •   Mach tuck is the nose-down pitching movement an aircraft ... Continue reading this answer
                      •   As the aircraft reaches critical mach the nose of the aircraft tends to pitch downwards due to the flow of air over the wing reaching supersonic speeds producing additional life ... Continue reading this answer
                      •   With increased speed and aft movement of the shock wave the center of pressure moves rearward creating a nose down tendency. If allowed to p... Continue reading this answer
                    10. Can you provide an example of leadership?
                    There are more questions for Endeavor Air!

                    Above is a list of questions asked during pilot interviews. These questions can be used to help you prepare for an interview. The answers contained within these questions may NOT be correct, so do your own research! We make no guarantees as to the accuracy or completeness of any question or answer.