1. Rate yourself 1-10
    •   Trick question, you don't want to rate yourself lower, neither higher. Say something in the lines that you are always striving to be the best on what you do and perfection is an ongoing process. "... Continue reading this answer
    •   My goal is to perform among the best with commutair as a pilot. I will uphold the company policies and proc... Continue reading this answer
  2. How did you hear about Commutair?
  3. Why do you want to work for Commutair?
  4. Have you ever been convicted of a crime?
  5. Have you had an accident?
  6. Tell me why I should spend the money to train you when we both know you could leave right away and go fly a regional jet.
    •   Excellent question and fair. The same way we (pilots) could leave the company, the company could also discontinue the employment, however, they are investing a lot money in training, salary, paperwork, etc.. and from our sid... Continue reading this answer
  7. What is the metar? and when is it issued?
  8. What would your current students say about you if we talked to them?
  9. If you could change anything about yourself what would it be?
    • What are some characteristics of an airplane loaded with an AFT CG?
    There are more questions for CommutAir!
    1. What is the difference between SIGMETs and AIRMETS?
    2. What is an MEL?
      •   Minimum Equipment List: A list of what can be broken and for how long and the aircraft remains airworthy. It is prepared by operator, based on the MMEL (Master MEL) and appro... Continue reading this answer
      •   An equipment list is a list of items that m... Continue reading this answer
      •   An equipment list is a list of items that must be operational for a particular flight. For example, the landing lights ... Continue reading this answer
    3. What is RVSM airspace?
    4. What are IFR minimums?
    5. What is VMC on a multiengine airplane?
    6. What is the critical engine?
    7. What does Vyse mean on the airspeed indicator?
    8. What qualities do you find in a good manager?
      • Do you have a valid Passport?
        • Do you have a valid first class medical?
          There are more questions for Contour Airlines!
          1. Tell us about yourself.
            • Tell me about a time you had to make a decision quickly.
              • How do you feel about moving to Panama?
              • Tell us about why you wanted to be a pilot, how you got started and career progression?
                •   I want to be a pilot since I have memory, I began study aviation when I was eighteen years old and since that moment I never stoped flying. I finished my commercial pi... Continue reading this answer
              • What would you do if a crew member had been drinking?
              • What is the definition of a cold front and what is the associated weather?
                •   A cold front occurs when a mass of cold dense and stable air advances and replaces a body of warmer air. It is associated with heavy weather such as thundersto... Continue reading this answer
              • What is a squall line?
                •   It is a continuous narrow line active of thunderstorms ahead of cold front but can develop far removed of any front. May be too long to detour, too thic... Continue reading this answer
              • What is the definition of CRM?
              • What makes a good captain or what do you expect from a Captain?
              • Why Copa?
              There are more questions for Copa Airlines!

              Corporate Flight Departments

                Interview Info   Study Guide Questions
              1. How did you get into flying?
                • Tell me about yourself.
                  • What are your strengths?
                    • What are your weaknesses?
                      • Why are you a good fit?
                        • Why did you choose this Company?
                        • When would you take over from a captain?
                          • What would you do if you called go around in an ILS and the captain refused to go around?
                          • What is spanwise flow?
                            • What is critical mach?
                              There are more questions for Corporate Flight Departments!
                              1. How did you get involved in flying?
                              2. Tell me about a time I had a conflict with a passenger.
                                •   We had a handicapped person wanting to sit in the exit row and refused to move when the flight attendant asked so i went back and asked the person and they... Continue reading this answer
                              3. Tell me about a time a member of your crew had a conflict with ground personnel.
                              4. What would you do if you had passengers and you were going to be late?
                              5. What would you do if the Captain was having a conflict with the Flight Attendant?
                              6. They decide to move the cargo more aft. What does this do?
                              7. You are on the 173 radial with a heading of 180 and you want to intercept the 138 course -- what heading should you fly?
                                •   080
                                •   100
                                •   93
                              8. Have you ever had a DUI?
                                •   no
                              9. Do you have any traffic violations?
                              10. Why do you want to work for Delta?
                              There are more questions for Delta Air Lines!

                              Above is a list of questions asked during pilot interviews. These questions can be used to help you prepare for an interview. The answers contained within these questions may NOT be correct, so do your own research! We make no guarantees as to the accuracy or completeness of any question or answer.