- What is the inter-tropical Convergence Zone?
- Near the equator, from about 5° north and 5° south, the northeast and southeast trade winds converge in a low pressure zone known as the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone or IT... Continue reading this answer
- What is predictive windshear detection mode?
- The weather radar processor detects the presence of a microburst, (a type of vertical wind shear condition) by detecting the Doppler frequency shift caused by the microburst and displays the area where it is present in the Navigation Display Unit of the EFI... Continue reading this answer
- Explain EGPWS?
- Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System (EGPWS) is a system designed to alert p... Continue reading this answer
- What are the inputs to EGPWS?
- Position Attitude Radio Altitude Airspeed / Mach number Glide Slope Lan... Continue reading this answer
- EGPWS constitutes exactly the same warnings and modes as conventional GPWS. In an aircraft capable of supplying the system with Present Position (IRS, GPS or GPIRS derived) then it provides two additional modes TCF and TAD. Both these are calculated by comparing PPOS to an internal terrain database and then giving the appropriate warning which above conventional GPWS is augmented by a visual warning, usually on the Navigation Display (ND). (by implication an aircraft capable of providing PPOS in the format required will have an EFIS system) TCF Terrain Clearance Floor creat... Continue reading this answer
- Can EGPWS work without GPS?
- Yes (It can get position informatio... Continue reading this answer
- Where do hurricanes, cyclones and typhoons form? What direction do they track?
- Hurricanes and typhoons only can form over large basins of warm water such as an ocean or sea. This is due to the fact that they need a large amount of energy which is supplied by the heat from the warm ocean waters evaporating into the atmosphere. They also occur at least several degrees away from the equator. This is because the Coriolis force is too we... Continue reading this answer
- What are considerations when landing near a Typhoon?
- Windshear and turbulence will be expected - Alterations to approach speeds and/or flap settings Lower visibility and illusions with rain... Continue reading this answer
- What causes wingtip vortices?
- Wingtip vortices are tubes of circulating air which are left behind a wing as the high pressur... Continue reading this answer
- Why use winglets?
- Reduction of Induced Drag from wingtip vortices. Winglets also provid... Continue reading this answer
- Why not the military?
- Military was... Continue reading this answer
- Did you always want to be a pilot?
- yes
- You look young, what do you tell passengers who comment about your age?
- How do we know you are competent to fly a B747 into ANC at night in blowing snow and ice, especially considering your young age and maturity level?
- What does your wife do?
- Would you be willing to consider yourself for a DESO position in HKG?
- They might ask you this, but if you are attending an FO interview, I don't think you have to say yes to profess your loyalty to Cathay and Hong Kong. ... Continue reading this answer
- Have you applied anywhere else?
- Just be honest on this one. If you are in the job hunt, it's normal to apply to several companies. It's g... Continue reading this answer
- What would you do if XXX airlines offered you a class date that you cannot move back if it was before the second interview with CX, and we cannot move the second interview forward?
- Tell me about the housing situation in HKG and their prices?
- I doubt they will ... Continue reading this answer
- I see that you just visited HKG, what was the biggest surprise?
- polluted
- Rate yourself 1-10
- Trick question, you don't want to rate yourself lower, neither higher. Say something in the lines that you are always striving to be the best on what you do and perfection is an ongoing process. "... Continue reading this answer
- My goal is to perform among the best with commutair as a pilot. I will uphold the company policies and proc... Continue reading this answer
- How did you hear about Commutair?
- This is fairly easy to answer, but make sure to mention your ... Continue reading this answer
- I heard about Commutair from ATP flight school and f... Continue reading this answer
- Why do you want to work for Commutair?
- Ultimately I would like to work for United Airlines. I fe... Continue reading this answer
- I have heard great things from CommutAir pilots, employees, and customers. Many of my fellow flight instru... Continue reading this answer
- Highlight the positives points about the company, make sure to av... Continue reading this answer
- Have you ever been convicted of a crime?
- Be honest on this question, they will know for sure if you had trouble with the law in... Continue reading this answer
- No.
- Have you had an accident?
- I have never had an accident but i have been in situations that required ... Continue reading this answer
- If you answer yes, make sure... Continue reading this answer
- Tell me why I should spend the money to train you when we both know you could leave right away and go fly a regional jet.
- Excellent question and fair. The same way we (pilots) could leave the company, the company could also discontinue the employment, however, they are investing a lot money in training, salary, paperwork, etc.. and from our sid... Continue reading this answer
- What is the metar? and when is it issued?
- An aviation routine weather rep... Continue reading this answer
- METeorological Aerodrome Repor... Continue reading this answer
- What would your current students say about you if we talked to them?
- that I'm a safe dependable caring ins... Continue reading this answer
- If you could change anything about yourself what would it be?
- What are some characteristics of an airplane loaded with an AFT CG?
- Allows you to fly at a higher airspeed. It may be dif... Continue reading this answer
- Aft CG means you're a bit nose down to maintain level flight so results in higher cruise speed. It also means yo... Continue reading this answer
- What is the difference between SIGMETs and AIRMETS?
- AIRMETs are issued for less severe weather conditions that may affect lighter aircra... Continue reading this answer
- What is an MEL?
- Minimum Equipment List: A list of what can be broken and for how long and the aircraft remains airworthy. It is prepared by operator, based on the MMEL (Master MEL) and appro... Continue reading this answer
- An equipment list is a list of items that m... Continue reading this answer
- An equipment list is a list of items that must be operational for a particular flight. For example, the landing lights ... Continue reading this answer
- What is RVSM airspace?
- Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum. Significantly increases the number of Airplanes in a defined spa... Continue reading this answer
- What are IFR minimums?
- <1000 ft and <3 st... Continue reading this answer
- What is VMC on a multiengine airplane?
- minimum contro... Continue reading this answer
- What is the critical engine?
- The engine that will most adversely effect the performance of the aircraft if ... Continue reading this answer
- Can be either Left, Right, Left or Right Inboard or Outboard. this depends on which engine will have gre... Continue reading this answer
- What does Vyse mean on the airspeed indicator?
- Vyse (Blue Line at 105kts) is your single-engine best rate of clim... Continue reading this answer
- What qualities do you find in a good manager?
- Do you have a valid Passport?
- Do you have a valid first class medical?
- Tell us about yourself.
- Tell me about a time you had to make a decision quickly.
- How do you feel about moving to Panama?
- I think Panama is a beautiful country with won... Continue reading this answer
- Tell us about why you wanted to be a pilot, how you got started and career progression?
- I want to be a pilot since I have memory, I began study aviation when I was eighteen years old and since that moment I never stoped flying. I finished my commercial pi... Continue reading this answer
- What would you do if a crew member had been drinking?
- i speak with her or his and made that this person say that he or she cant fly or if that... Continue reading this answer
- What is the definition of a cold front and what is the associated weather?
- A cold front occurs when a mass of cold dense and stable air advances and replaces a body of warmer air. It is associated with heavy weather such as thundersto... Continue reading this answer
- What is a squall line?
- It is a continuous narrow line active of thunderstorms ahead of cold front but can develop far removed of any front. May be too long to detour, too thic... Continue reading this answer
- What is the definition of CRM?
- CRM is a system which allows optimum use of all available resources - equipment, procedures, int... Continue reading this answer
- the objetive of the crm is create a good work ambient t... Continue reading this answer
- What makes a good captain or what do you expect from a Captain?
- one that is knowledgeable, decisive, conservative and safety conscious, good people skills, s... Continue reading this answer
- First of all to be honest. Situational awareness inside and outside a coc... Continue reading this answer
- Why Copa?
- new aircraft, great routes and destinations, great screening and hiring process so hiring good pilo... Continue reading this answer
- copa airlines is considered the best airline in america center and had a... Continue reading this answer
- In spite of the global economic crisis, Copa is picking-up.... Continue reading this answer
Above is a list of questions asked during pilot interviews. These questions can be used to help you prepare for an interview. The answers contained within these questions may NOT be correct, so do your own research! We make no guarantees as to the accuracy or completeness of any question or answer.
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