- Tell us something about yourself that is not on your resume so we can get to know you better.
- I'm from New Orleans, have an 8yr old son, 25 yr retired Navy helicopter guy, football lover, love to fish, avid reader (4 per month) last book was ... Continue reading this answer
- I am Mexican-American, raised in Georgia, have traveled to many countries, my favorite books are Sci-F... Continue reading this answer
- I'm 40 years old, was born in Brazil, been in an airline market for about 14 years, fle... Continue reading this answer
- I’m about to have my 20 year anniversary to my wife and we got married right before I joined the Army. I have three boys and a d... Continue reading this answer
- Tell me about a time when you made a co-worker feel good.
- I try to do this on every trip with my crew. At the end of our trip, I like to tell t... Continue reading this answer
- After a long working journey shift, I told t... Continue reading this answer
- I try to build up my co-pilots by acknowledging when they do something good. ... Continue reading this answer
- Tell me about a time when you were involved in a dispute at work and how you handled it.
- One situation that stands out is when in CFI academy. An instructor that was unpopular with the pilots scheduled multiple flights knowing that we would exceed the weight limits of the small training aircraft. I spoke with him about the weight and balance issues, but his reaction was always to blow me off. I refused to fly with him knowingly exceeding the aircrafts limits. This was stressful because we just went over doing correct we... Continue reading this answer
- Why are you excited about Breeze?
- Having a CEO with a proven track record who is actively creating a great working environ... Continue reading this answer
- My best friend is a Captain at Breeze and he can't stop talki... Continue reading this answer
- Why should we hire you?
- I believe I have the right skills, qualities, and requirements to match the job discerption. You should hire me b... Continue reading this answer
- Building a team of qualified crew with good attitudes is necessary to create a successful atmosphere.... Continue reading this answer
- Can you describe your actions if you experienced a communications failure?
- We get communication failures sometimes when switching to a new frequency. This is sometimes due to reception due to altitude... Continue reading this answer
- I would ensure that it is not a user error and squawk 7600. If I am in IMC conditions I would first determine my route which would either be the assigned, vectored,... Continue reading this answer
- Can you describe your decision making process in detail?
- 1- Assess the situation. 2- Review the possible actions, Including what-if scenarios. 3- Choose the bes... Continue reading this answer
- I am very much a pros and cons list guy. I like to brea... Continue reading this answer
- What about Breeze interests you?
- Their culture. The aircraft they fl... Continue reading this answer
- I love the opportunity to fly Airbus A220-300! It is... Continue reading this answer
- What is the biggest experience that shaped your career?
- I took a big risk when leaving my position and selling my home to finance fli... Continue reading this answer
- Tell me a time you had to make a difficult decision?
- Leaving the air... Continue reading this answer
- We fly a smaller Pilatus PC-12 so weight and balance is an issue. Whenever having to bump a passenger it is difficult. I don't like disappointing... Continue reading this answer
- Tell us about your background.
- Bs Avionics Graduate. 2000 hrs experience of flight instructor in Cessna. 2yrs First Officer of BAE 146 aircraft. From Phili... Continue reading this answer
- Tell us about your flying experience.
- ATPL with over 1... Continue reading this answer
- Cessna 150,152,172, PA-200, BAE 146 total... Continue reading this answer
- Can you dedicate 2 weeks to training?
- Yes
- What jet do you prefer?
- Gulfstream
- I love to... Continue reading this answer
- Tell how you got into aviation and where you plan on going next?
- Being Pilot is my dream ever since, that is why I enroll flying after ... Continue reading this answer
- What's the dumbest thing you've done in an airplane?
- To push to APU fire test while APU is running. B... Continue reading this answer
- Why CAE?
- I believed CAE may help me in my pilot ... Continue reading this answer
- What is ground effect and how is it caused?
- Ground effect is the cushioning of the aircraft on the air between it and the... Continue reading this answer
- Why did you become a pilot?
- What would be a challenge for you?
- Describe an incident of conflict and how you resolved it.
- Drunk passenger misbehaving and bothering other passengers. Worked as a team ... Continue reading this answer
- What is your Pet peeve?
- When people are talking on the phone whil... Continue reading this answer
- Lineman gives bad signals, how do you handle it?
- Try to make verbal contact with him and explain the situation. You can also ... Continue reading this answer
- Your gear is stuck down, do you take another trip?
- You need a ferry permit to stiff-leg the Cessna 402 to a maintenance base. This requ... Continue reading this answer
- If you are up all night with sick spouse/kid and have duty next day, what do you do?
- You must always follow the best rules for safety. It is always best to prepare for each flight. If, however, you ar... Continue reading this answer
- Would you help load bags, call passengers if necessary?
- yes
- How would you handle a passenger freaking out over lightning, turbulence, whatever?
- I would explain to him that it is normal and happens every day and it is not affecting the safety of flight. The best option for those w... Continue reading this answer
- Would you leave for an interview elsewhere after start training?
- No, I'd not. Once training has started I am commited with the co... Continue reading this answer
- What makes you more competitive than other candidates?
- It is difficult to tell about the others and easy to talk about me. I fell like nobody wants more this job than me. I share my experi... Continue reading this answer
- What is the DP RW24?
- Climb 700' on runway head... Continue reading this answer
- What is the inter-tropical Convergence Zone?
- Near the equator, from about 5° north and 5° south, the northeast and southeast trade winds converge in a low pressure zone known as the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone or IT... Continue reading this answer
- What is predictive windshear detection mode?
- The weather radar processor detects the presence of a microburst, (a type of vertical wind shear condition) by detecting the Doppler frequency shift caused by the microburst and displays the area where it is present in the Navigation Display Unit of the EFI... Continue reading this answer
- Explain EGPWS?
- Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System (EGPWS) is a system designed to alert p... Continue reading this answer
- What are the inputs to EGPWS?
- Position Attitude Radio Altitude Airspeed / Mach number Glide Slope Lan... Continue reading this answer
- EGPWS constitutes exactly the same warnings and modes as conventional GPWS. In an aircraft capable of supplying the system with Present Position (IRS, GPS or GPIRS derived) then it provides two additional modes TCF and TAD. Both these are calculated by comparing PPOS to an internal terrain database and then giving the appropriate warning which above conventional GPWS is augmented by a visual warning, usually on the Navigation Display (ND). (by implication an aircraft capable of providing PPOS in the format required will have an EFIS system) TCF Terrain Clearance Floor creat... Continue reading this answer
- Can EGPWS work without GPS?
- Yes (It can get position informatio... Continue reading this answer
- Where do hurricanes, cyclones and typhoons form? What direction do they track?
- Hurricanes and typhoons only can form over large basins of warm water such as an ocean or sea. This is due to the fact that they need a large amount of energy which is supplied by the heat from the warm ocean waters evaporating into the atmosphere. They also occur at least several degrees away from the equator. This is because the Coriolis force is too we... Continue reading this answer
- What are considerations when landing near a Typhoon?
- Windshear and turbulence will be expected - Alterations to approach speeds and/or flap settings Lower visibility and illusions with rain... Continue reading this answer
- What causes wingtip vortices?
- Wingtip vortices are tubes of circulating air which are left behind a wing as the high pressur... Continue reading this answer
- Why use winglets?
- Reduction of Induced Drag from wingtip vortices. Winglets also provid... Continue reading this answer
- Why not the military?
- Military was... Continue reading this answer
- Did you always want to be a pilot?
- yes
- You look young, what do you tell passengers who comment about your age?
- How do we know you are competent to fly a B747 into ANC at night in blowing snow and ice, especially considering your young age and maturity level?
- What does your wife do?
- Would you be willing to consider yourself for a DESO position in HKG?
- They might ask you this, but if you are attending an FO interview, I don't think you have to say yes to profess your loyalty to Cathay and Hong Kong. ... Continue reading this answer
- Have you applied anywhere else?
- Just be honest on this one. If you are in the job hunt, it's normal to apply to several companies. It's g... Continue reading this answer
- What would you do if XXX airlines offered you a class date that you cannot move back if it was before the second interview with CX, and we cannot move the second interview forward?
- Tell me about the housing situation in HKG and their prices?
- I doubt they will ... Continue reading this answer
- I see that you just visited HKG, what was the biggest surprise?
- polluted
Above is a list of questions asked during pilot interviews. These questions can be used to help you prepare for an interview. The answers contained within these questions may NOT be correct, so do your own research! We make no guarantees as to the accuracy or completeness of any question or answer.
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