1. Tell us about yourself.
    • What was the most difficult decision you made as a pilot?
      • Tell me about a time you discovered a safety issue and what did you do about it?
        •   Talked about finding tires with tread worn down on a preflight walk around. Explained my process of reporting to the... Continue reading this answer
      • How do you stay organized?
      • How do you prevent procrastinating (what are your techniques)?
      • What do you know about ABX?
      • Why ABX?
      • What are you Favorite things about your current job?
      • What are your Least favorite things about your current job?
      • Tell me about a time you had to quickly build a rapport with somebody.
        There are more questions for ABX Air!
        1. How did you get interested in aviation?
        2. What would your leadership style be as a captain?
          • Describe a problem/dispute that you had with a colleague?
            • How would your former supervisors describe you?
              • Describe your most memorable flying experience?
                •   First solo
              • How would I feel about being a relief pilot?
                • What is the greatest achievement in your career to date?
                  • What was the hardest decision you’ve had to make in your career?
                    • What do you dislike about your present job?
                      • How did you deal with stress?
                      There are more questions for Air Canada!
                      1. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
                      2. What do you think defines a professional pilot?
                        •   Someone who is knowlegeable, punctual,able to communicate effectively,take command in all situations,understand his ... Continue reading this answer
                      3. What would you do if you lost your medical?
                      4. What is V1?
                      5. What is V2?
                      6. What is a stop way?
                      7. Would you help load the airplane with boxes if the ground crew is running behind or was short handed?
                      8. If you had a job offer between ACC and two other regionals which one would you pick? and why.
                        • Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
                        • What would you do if you witnessed someone sexually harassing someone else?
                        There are more questions for Air Cargo Carriers!
                        1. On an IFR flight in VFR who is responsible for separation, you or ATC?
                          •   You.
                        2. When is a report to ATC required?
                          •   Leaving assigned altitude, Entering or leaving a holding, Missed approach, Any unforecast weat... Continue reading this answer
                          •   FAR 91.183 Under IFR in control airspace, pilots MUST report - time and altitude of passing each designated reporting point, or reporting point specified by ATC EXCEPT while that aircraft is under radar control, only the passing point specifically request by ATC need be reported -Any unforecast weather condition encountered -information relating to safety of flight AIM 5-3-3 reports SHOULD be made to ... Continue reading this answer
                          •   M A R V E L O U S C V F R 500 Missed approach Airspeed ± max(10 kts, 5% change) of filed TAS Reaching a holding fix (time altitude) VFR on top: changing altitude ETA changed ± 2 min (3 min in the North Atlantic). Only in non-radar environments Leaving a holding fix/point Outer marker (or fix used in lieu ... Continue reading this answer
                        3. What is an LDA?
                        4. What are you looking for in an employer/airline?
                        5. What is the correlation between temp and lighting strikes?
                        6. What is the effect of aft cg on performance?
                        7. What is Mach Tuck?
                        8. What factors used in calculating performance?
                        9. What is critical mach?
                        10. How did you get into flying?
                        There are more questions for Air Transport International!
                        1. What is Max airspeed in Class C?
                        2. At what altitude does the speed restriction end in Class B airspace?
                          •   10,000MSL
                        3. What is needed to descend below D/A?
                        4. If you are flying 121, can you take off from an airport when the current weather is below landing min's?
                        5. What is BR on a METAR?
                        6. How would your current boss describe you?
                        7. What makes a good airline pilot in your opinion?
                        8. What will be your biggest challenge at training for AWAC?
                        9. Why do you want to work for Air Wisconsin?
                        10. What is your leadership style?
                        There are more questions for Air Wisconsin Airlines!

                        Above is a list of questions asked during pilot interviews. These questions can be used to help you prepare for an interview. The answers contained within these questions may NOT be correct, so do your own research! We make no guarantees as to the accuracy or completeness of any question or answer.