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276 FREE Flight Attendant Interview Study Guide Questions and Answers


Horizon Air

  1. What are your hobbies?
  2. Which of our company values are most important to you?
  3. Do you know our Company values?
  4. How would you handle racism?
  5. How would you handle a child refusing to wear a mask?
  6. How would you handle gossip?
  7. Tell us about a time that you turned a customer's frustration into joyfulness?
    • There was this one time I was working with some passngers at my current job at the Boise Airport. We were on a maintenance delay. I was helping this newlywed couple get to thier honeymoon in Cancun. They were going to miss thier connecting flight they weren a little frustrated and concerned about getting to there destination and i ... Continue reading this answer
    • Used the STAR method: What was the Situation, what was the Task I needed to perform, what was the Action I was going to take to produce the Result. Bank customer angry about charges on his Credit Card. I brought him to my desk, and calmly asked him to lower his voice an not use profanity. Asked him questions regarding his account, took notes. Explained wha... Continue reading this answer
  8. What would you do if you heard someone talking bad about another co worker behind their back?
  9. How would you make an unhappy customer happy?
  10. What excites you about relocating and why?
 There are 23 more questions for Horizon Air!


  1. Explain the time when you failed to honor a commitment you made.
    • In my last job, our CEO gave me a chance to interview and hire entry-level people for our team. I chose to hire someone who seemed to have a lot of potential but also had some “red flags” or things that worried me. It ended up being a big mistake. They had a poor attitude and dragged the team down until my CEO had to fire them. I learned to be more careful and not rus... Continue reading this answer
  2. How has your previous experience prepared you for this position?
  3. How do you manage a situation where you have zero experience or knowledge?
  4. How do you prioritize your task when you're in a busy situation?
    • I think strategically, if the safety of others or myself is at risk that would be the priority. I would consid... Continue reading this answer
  5. Tell about a time when you turned an unhappy customer into a happy customer.
    • I had a couple that fell in love with a house that had significant mold issues. I educated them about the risk of purchasing such a home and they decided to move ahead with the purchase. The morning of the closing the wife was extremely upset and remorseful about their decision. At that point their options were limited and would leave them with a huge financial loss. The husband was not able to help his wife calm down and the sellers, their agent and the closing people were all in the r... Continue reading this answer
  6. Tell me about yourself.
    • I was born and raised in Puerto Rico. Mother of 2. 1 grandson. Worked for AA for 27yrs, recently retired. I did everything from Customer Ser... Continue reading this answer
    • My name is Annalisa, I’m Italian. In Italy since I was kid I was helping my parents in their small family business. Since a kid I enjoy help people and give to them the best costumer service. I moved to NYC about 5 years ag... Continue reading this answer
    • I am 42, I have 2 children both girls I have a 17 and a 20 year old. I am from Manchester, NH iv been here almost my who... Continue reading this answer
  7. Did you ever have a conflict at work what did you do?
  8. Name a time where you faced a conflict at work.
  9. Why do you want to be a Flight Attendant?
    • Multiple reasons. I have always worked in customer service, I am serviced oriented. I like meeting new people from all different walks of life. I’m at a place in life w... Continue reading this answer
  10. Name a time you used kindness for someone.
    • I think everyday I use kindness with people around me. For example at work most of the days when we put up through the carseat... Continue reading this answer
 There are 40 more questions for jetBlue!

Jetstar Australia

  1. How will you deal with being away from home?
  2. How would you deal with a crying baby?
  3. Name a holiday destination in Australia.
  4. How do you handle stressful situations?
  5. Do you have problem-solving skills?
  6. What experience do you have in customer service?
    • I have customer service in different working environments such as inbound, outbound and retails. I enjoyed these jobs cause I get to help cus... Continue reading this answer
    • I have worked in a hotel before as a server assistant and a server. I am passi... Continue reading this answer
  7. What do you do to maintain balance?
    • I believe I can maintain my work life style along with my personal lifestyle. Before I start my day at work I make a list of the things I need to get done by the end of the day starting from the most prioritized to the the less priority's. This ... Continue reading this answer
  8. What do you do outside of work?
    • I like to listen to motivational talks and conference, go for hikes every now and then and also take my dog for a walk. I also like... Continue reading this answer
  9. Why do you want to work here?
  10. Why us?

    Mesa Airlines

    1. Can you legally work in the US?
      • How old are you?
        • 54
      • What does hospitality mean to you?
      • What kind of thing do you do for a hobby or for fun?
      • Do you have any flight attendant experience?
      • How many jobs have you had in the past?
        • 4 jobs
        • 6
        • Only one
      • Why do you think you will be a good fit for the company?
      • What is your biggest accomplishment?
      • What is something you could be better at?
      • Can you conceal tattoos and piercings in company uniform?
       There are 36 more questions for Mesa Airlines!

      Miami Air International

      1. Are you willing to work crazy schedules such as being called at 2 a.m?
        • YES
      2. Do you work well with others?
        • Yes
      3. Who would you like to have been in a past life?
        • How did your professional life prepare you for this job?
        • Am you a good listener?
          • Yes
        • Would your basic needs be met taking such a large pay cut?
          • Yes
        • How would your boss describe you?
        • How would you feel getting a last minute assignment when you already have plans?
        • What does teamwork mean to you?
        • How would you deal with a negative coworker?
         There are 11 more questions for Miami Air International!

        Above is a list of questions asked during flight attendant interviews. These questions can be used to help you prepare for an interview. The answers contained within these questions may NOT be correct, so do your own research! We make no guarantees as to the accuracy or completeness of any question or answer.