Frontier Airlines Flight Attendant Interviews

I applied as a Flight Attendant for Frontier Airlines on Aug. 25, 2016. Shortly after I received an email to take an Online Assessment which is mandatory to be considered for the position. This Assessment consisted of questions for a Personality Test
After completion of Application/Assessment on Aug. 25. I didn't hear anything until Aug. 31st, 2016 via email. I received an email to Setup a Phone Interview and Select a Date/Time.(FARecruiting). I selected Wed., Sep. 7 at 2:45pm-3:15pm. I received a Confirmation email on Sep. 1st and a Reminder email on the morning of Sep. 7 of my Phone Interview. When the FA recruiter called I made sure to sound very excited and kept my notes in front of me. She verified personal information. Then asked several questons. After answering her questions, she wanted to know if I ... Continue Reading this Interview Experience