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Pilot Study Guide Questions


Flight Attendant Study Guide Questions

Pilot Interview Study Guide Questions from Actual Interviews

  1.   How can you determine the width of the runway using the runway markings?
  2.   On your preflight inspection, you notice some frost around the engine inlet but don’t see anything on the wing. Would you call for de-icing?
  3.   If you could change one thing about commercial aviation, what would it be?
  4.   What’s your routine once you arrive at the airport?
  5.   What do you do before leaving for the airport?
  6.   Explain a Situation you had with an unfriendly passenger and how you handled it.
  7.   How much notice do you need to give your current employer?
  8.   How would you handle a long haul flight with someone who had a terrible personality?
  9.   What is the worst type of personality to work with?
  10.   What would you do if you arrive to the plane and everyone is there except the captain?

These are only 10 study guide questions of the 13,477 we have for pilots!